

  • Hello Jammers New and Old! I can't believe how big this thread is getting!! Awesome .. Way to go Jammers!! So nice to know that there are lots of us out there who are reaping the rewards off such a great workout!!:drinker: :bigsmile: I think today I will be doing the Turbo Sculpt!! Feel the burn!!:mad: Hope all of you…
  • Hey fellow jammers! Sorry .. what can I say but spring is here and any chance I get to run outside with my kids the better, but I have not strayed from my workouts!! Monday I did some heavy cleaning (serious workout i'm telling ya!), Tuesday I did CP2 and today I Jammed out to 20 min and Ab Jam!! I ordered a bathing suit…
  • Hey Jammers I am back and feeling better. Yesterday I did Turbo Sculpt and today I haven't decided what I am going to do! Might end up doing one of the CP as I have a Ladies Night Function to attend tonight .. Woot Woot!! :laugh: :bigsmile: My silly craving session has passed .. thank goodness .. no food was safe!…
  • Hey Jammers Still here!! I have had such an off week! I'm no where near falling off the wagon, just finding it hard to be motivated this week! Does anyone else find it hard to keep track during that time of the month?:blushing: I just find i am craving anything and everything!! Grr! Well I haven't done a TJ workout…
  • Hey Jammers!! My goal for the week is to do at least 5 Turbo Jam videos!! I have been rather slack last week cause of the sickies .. so now time to kick it up a notch!! I am also going for walks in the evening with a good friend so I am looking forward to feeling great this week!!!:drinker: :bigsmile: I have done Fat…
  • Hey Jammers!! Happy Belated Birthday Lyn!! Hope you had a super awesome day!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome Katie! Turbo Jam is kick *kitten* .. at least I think it does!! hehe I have been too busy this weekend for my Turbo Jam (boo), but have managed to fit in some walks and my usual wifely duties around home!!…
  • Hey Jamstars!! I am checking in with Turbo Sculpt!! Feel the burn .. man do I love being healthy!! :drinker: Lyn ... Congrats on the new job .. hope it goes well! Megan & Janet .. Great job on the early morning workouts!! I love sleep way to much .. maybe one day when my babies are no longer babies!!:yawn: To everyone…
  • Hello Jammers Glad to see everyone going strong! I didn't manage a workout today just took a rest day with no kids .. and tonight I took a walk with my friend! So Becky is back in business!! Yippee!!:bigsmile: I weighed myself and after a bad cold and a weekend in the city I managed to break even! Whew!:tongue: Have a…
  • Hey Jammers First of all Janet I am so sorry for your loss :cry: .. I hope you are taking care of yourself, but don't beat yourself up! And sometimes a person just needs to talk it out and that will help with the eating .. so please Janet feel free to tell us how you feel .. and remember darling it will take time .. just…
  • Hey Jammers!! I am checking in .. not with a workout .. but with Strep Throat!! Grrr!! It seriously sucks .. feels like I am swallowing glass!! Not fun .. so I think I will be taking a couple more days to rest .. since I am not sleeping at night! Double Grrrr!! :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick: But as soon as the drugs kick in I…
  • Ok I have a simple question .. do you guys have to add your ticker everytime you make a comment?? If not .. how on earth do you get it to show everytime .. ?? Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hey fellow jammers!! Well I managed to survive the weekend in the city .. however I managed to catch a nasty cold! Grr!! Oh well .. so I need a day or two to rest up .. then its back at my Turbo Jam!!:sick: Hope you all had a great weekend!! I had a blast at Old Navy .. I didn't go crazy as I am hoping to lose even more…
  • Hey girls .. I figured out the ticker! Yay for me! Well its raining like crazy here so its just a Turbo Jam day .. I am planning to do AbJam!! Hope you are all doing great! Talk to ya later! becky Created by - Free Food Diary
  • Hey ladies .. checking in with CP2 (Awesome!!) Such a great workout!! I've been dancing all day!! I also managed to get in two walks as well .. one with the kids and one with my walking buddy!! Feeling pretty good today!!:bigsmile: So happy to hear you all getting close or reaching your goals .. makes me believe that I…
  • Checking back in with Turbo Sculpt!! Feel the burn!! haha!! :devil: Hey Lyn .. my birthday is on Friday the 17th!! When is yours .. I remember saying your birthday was soon!! Take care my fellow jammers!:smooched: Well I am off to bed .. talk to ya tomorrow!!:drinker:
  • Good morning Jammers!! Well I survived Easter weekend! Not completely guilt free but hey you only live once right!! I am looking forward to another great week of jamming and of course MY BIRTHDAY!!! Woot Woot!! Finally get my shopping spree at Old Navy (just a little spree cause I will hopefully be skinnier for my next…
  • Hello Jammers!! I didn't get my workouts in yesterday, however, I did go for a bike ride with my son and after supper I took a long walk with friends so I'd say I more than made up for the lack of jamming! Today I plan on getting in the Turbo Sculpt!! No Pain .. No Gain!! hahaha:drinker: Well I hope you all have a great…
  • Hey girls!! Nice to see some new faces .. sorry for being MIA .. but with 3 kids under 6 .. life is kinda hectic!! But you will be happy to know that i did not stray from a single workout this week .. really focussing on my abs with ab jam alot .. i really want my baby jiggle to go away .. as well as eating the good tummy…
  • Hello all you JamQueens and a King!! Congrats to Janet, Megan and Lyn for being an auntie ( i am jealous!! still waiting!) Sorry for your loss Sara .. take care sunshine! Well I am checking in with Ab Jam and took a nice long walk this morning!! I just took the little one so was actually able to get a workout! Hope…
  • Good morning Jammers! I was wondering where do you guys get your heart rate monitors? Are they very expensive? I would like to know how much I burn when doing Fat Blaster! Cause I am pouring sweat by the time i'm done! Just curious maybe I should be doing other videos instead! But I still love it! Today the plan is to do…
  • Good evening Jammers! Busy day but I managed to fit in Turbo Sculpt!! Love it! And totally enjoying all the nice weather! How has the weather been for all of you? Hopefully just as nice .. I love being outside! Well good night y'all .. just came on here to let you know I am going strong!! Old Navy here I come!! Later…
  • Hey there fellow jammers!! I have gotten in the fat blaster (as usual!) and also managed to take the kids for a long walk to get the mail! I am starting to feel much better now that I am back jamming everyday! I am turning up the heat a little as I am 3 weeks away from my birthday! My present for my birthday and for…
  • Good day ladies .. somehow I managed to fit in ab jam and 20 minute! My energy seems to be coming back more and more! Its amazing! Well I have to say I am proud of myself I made it through my first motivation breaker! Usually with other workouts I would reach a point after about 3 months where I would be bored with working…
  • Hello fellow jammers and new jammers!! Long time no talk!!! Well I have been one super busy little mama .. so sorry for no updates in like a couple weeks! Grr! But I have been doing some workouts .. when I didn't have to race to the rink! But gotta run .. my youngins are calling! Hope y'all are having a great week!…
  • Way to go fellow Jammers!! You all are so amazing!! And 3babybeans .. all those workouts-Wow .. I would be surprised if you weren't tired!! Make sure you take it easy tomorrow!! haha!! Anyways just checking in to let you all know that I got in my Fat Blaster (as usual)! I am a sucker for punishment sometimes!! Well take…
  • I think as long as you keep eating healthy the pill is the way to go! I took Depo and was still quite active and still gained 20lbs in a year! It was not fun that's for sure .. I am still on the pill and have been able to lose my baby weight .. so thats my advice! Yay Pill .. Nay Depo!
  • Hey girls!! Only had time to squeeze in a 20 minute workout .. but I took the kids for a walk in the nice weather .. hopefully it stays!! Glad to see this group growing .. the more the merrier!! hahaha Well talk to ya later .. gotta run .. Happy Jamming!!:drinker: :happy:
  • Hey fellow Jammers!! No I did not fall off the face of the earth .. just had one heck of a busy week! As it will be for the next couple weeks until skating and hockey are done! But I had managed to get a workout in almost everyday .. I find during "that time of the month" that I am drained. So now that I'm done the energy…
  • :laugh: Hey ladies it's me again!! Well I did 20 minutes and ab jam .. feel great and now to get on with the rest of my day! So take care and happy jamming!!:happy: Here's to another great week ladies!:drinker:
  • Well 3babybeans .. I would also recommend Cardio Party 2&3 .. I haven't done CP3 yet, but I have heard nothing but good reviews for it as well! :wink: