lisahikes Member


  • I meant grind a bit more lighthearted than that, like "on the grind" at the gym, or on it trying to beat Super Mario Bros in one sitting
  • I used to be so strict with calorie counting that some friends stopped inviting me to gatherings I always went to because I made it weird by not sharing in their birthday libations or their homemade quiche because it would put me over my calorie goal for the day. It almost ruined a good friendship. I do my best to track…
  • I didn't declare it a "cheat day" on purpose, but I had been 'dieting' so hard (little to no carbs on top of daily exercise) that I had zero energy after 4-5 days, and my friends started to notice... they told me I wasn't acting like my normal self. So, I ate a sandwich and a banana and a couple other things that put me…
  • I have this app too, though I use it for smoking! I'm at 75ish days or so for that. As far as drinking goes, I used to be an every-day drinker, but since the turn of the year I've had alcohol 2 days out of 7, which for me is ASTOUNDING. I've really enjoyed getting a full night's rest!
  • 5'4", currently 160 and want to get back to the 118 I was last summer. Winter made me sluggish and I gained the weight back. Time for summer and daily exercise!!