

  • I'm by no means a healthy lunch guru but as of lately I've been really digging leftovers. Today Im having a stirfry with brown rice and chicken for lunch.
  • Stepping on the scale and seeing a happy number is better than any of the things I mentioned above, however, the incentive is not always there. If I lose motivation and start playing the "I don't care if I'm fat forever" game then at least I can keep working for my coffee maker! lol
  • I used to get them every couple of months but oddly enough I haven't in the past year (knock on wood.) I can still completely relate though. It's a huge confidence crusher. It feels like everyone's looking at you like you're diseased. I recommend Lipactin. Unlike Abreva that just coats the sore in a goop, Lipactin covers…
  • Hot cornbread with butter... or crispy, cheese, delicious grilled cheese sandwiches.