

  • Thank you! I will def add you :) It's so nice to see how many people on here are going through the same thing!
  • Thanks so much for post and encouragement!!!!!!!
  • Thanks for the advice!!! We eat out more than we should and I always go with the intention of ordering something good for me, open the menu and change my mind - which is bad!! I am just starting to try again to today (after many failures!! I do good during week and blow it all on the weekends). I'm going to try your advice…
  • Me Tooooooo! I have about 30lbs I want to lose...I'm now 163lbs and so want to get back to 130. I hate the way my clothes look and feel but have a hard time with eating right. I love to eat what I want/like and that normally doesn't include veggies and good for you things. I have four kids and work and it just seems to…
  • Me toooo! I am about 5'3 and just weighed myself at 163 pounds. I really want to get back down to 130. The problem is, I keep starting to do better and just can't seem to hold it!!!! Each time is "I'm going to do it this time!" I'm hoping this site will help me keep better track and find others trying to do the same...
    in Friends? Comment by tpeppers June 2012