

  • Hehe ditto. Turns out I actually got MY husband hooked on my game. Games aren't all bad, but you have to definitely throw in some RL time too.
  • Thank you so much for bringing this up! I have looked into stress fractures and am switching my workout for a while, also going to see the doc!
  • Just found this link that sounds about right: You other who posted on here, I would recommend heading to the doctor to be safe if your're still having pain!
  • Oh gosh, stress fractures.... that doesn't sound good but does sound possible. I've given myself some rest periods but it hurts again each time I work out. Maybe it's time to see the doc....
  • Yay for tattoos and crazy hair! Best of luck with your weight loss journey, I'll send you a friend request!
  • Welcome back! I've totally been there! I'll shoot you a friend request!
  • Welcome! This is a great site! Hope it helps you! I'll send you a friend request too, support and motivation is key!
  • Nelly!!! That's my name,. except spelled Nellie! I'm totally adding you as a friend! I'm in Washington state, but it's great to have friends and support all over!
  • Welcome! MFP rocks, hope it helps you on your journey! I'll shoot you a friend request.
  • Keep up the good work! Eating right and getting exercise are two of the best things you can do to moderate mental imbalances. I'm bipolar also and I can't begin to stress enough how helpful it's been in connection with my medical treatment. I'm feeling the best I have in years!
  • It's totally possible. You are right, stretch marks, means you've gained something their and if your feeling overweight, it's probably fat. The good news, if you eat right and focus on cardio for allover fat loss, then also work on strength training to build muscle in those place, the fat will eventually fade away and…
  • The more the merrier!
  • Wow what a load, sounds like some pretty cool stuff you're doing though! Hope this site helps you out, it's a really great tool! Best of luck to you!
  • Welcome! Olanzapine did me in also, 60 pounds. Just starting to finally work it off after years. I wish you the best with the weight loss. This site is great and very helpful!
  • It doesn't have to be a scary thing. I've been diagnosed for 13 years and it has definitely been a journey that I'm still on. I think I finally found a good medication combo after all these years. If you want to talk more, you can add me as a friend, I'm happy to talk to others, especially newly starting the journey. I…
  • I second your rant! Give us some sunshine!!!
  • This looks like a good group! Just wanted to say good luck to everyone! I've been diagnosed with bipolar for 10 years now and I'm finally doing some good things that are working! I used Olanzapine on a couple occasions and I have gained 50 pounds because of it. I've been off of it now but have not taken the time and effort…