

  • definitely bumping this! gonna have to get my blender from storage so i can try these out!
  • all three of mine have gone through this stage at one time or another and it doesn't help that grandma and grandpa will cater to them and fix whatever they want when they want it. everytime i try to tell them 'no, they need to eat what is offered.' they go behind my back. my 10 year old and 5 year old are finally starting…
  • hi guys, i'm new to the group. i'm 28, i'll be 29 on the 28th of this month. i have three kids, all boys. Hunter, Joseph and Ethan. two of which have ADHD. i wish i could say i was living in my own place, but due to circumstances i am living with my parents. and my husband and i are seperated. i am going to school to…