

  • thats an interesting idea i know i end up eating the wrong things sometimes like a whole bag of butter popcorn or cheezy poofs i know they are my weakness
  • i have to go to wellness checks all the time and they tell me to stay hydrated and watch what i eat i guess i need to watch what i eat not how much of it i take in ill admit that when i eat only 1550 cals i feel like im famished when i go to bed
  • i go that little cause i sweat it out of me some days my acus and iba look like i just came out of the shower with them on it looks like i need to eat at least 2000 cals in a day to come close to my needs
  • in a normal day i burn about 2 -3 thousand calories in just my morning pt routine not to mention what i burn the rest of the day and my goal weight is somewhere between 160 and 170 to be at optimum weight. and allaboutme you can go ahead and post any thing you think will help im open to anything by now
  • ya on the water intake sometimes i drink more than that and only go to the latrine once a day salt intake may be a little higher than some peoples but its not over the top im gonna try to eat a bit more than what i do so maybe ill turn my reactor on full blast
  • yes i do need to drink that much in a day bein on a tank in full battle rattle is hard work and the body tends to sweet alot and i was wondering if i was shutting down from not eating enough
  • any help from a personal trainer would be good my strenght training is pushups situps pull ups rope climbing jumping jacks and things like that till muscle failure for an hr two times a week then long runs rangeing from 3/5 miles at a 8 min mile pace 2 times a week and sprints once a week all an hr long then off to my…
  • i drink plenty of water usually one camel bak or so per day thats about 3 liters and this has me at 1550 cals per day ive tried to maintain that. and no i dont eat the cals from my exercise and i do lots of that i alternate from running three miles a day with some light calestenics for a total of an hr or total muscle…
  • ive been doin everything on here that is put out for me and my exercise is off the charts but im only down by one lb got any suggestion as to gettin over this hump
  • at work we dont get alot of time to eat in the field so we just grab an mre eat it and drive on without to much stoppin to take a snack break. and i dont get much of a choice in the field as to what i eat its mre or nothin. ive taken to eatin the main course and one other thing in the pack to get to around 500 cal per meal…
  • ok so i been doin all thte stuff on here for my food count and it has been interesting. i have been fightin the urge to snack heavily i havent been so bad at it but not so good either. its also hard to count when your eatin mre's.
  • hi to all im sure i can do this it will be easy most likely i have just found it strange that the amount of hard excorcise that i do on a daily basis that i have gained weight not lost it so im changin up my eating habits im not doin the same workout that i was before so i no longer need a 3000 cal diet i need less so i…
  • ya that whole loggin thing is nice but i dont have access to my puter at work so ill have to do it by hand for the day and input it when i get home
  • hmm thanx for the water tip i dont think that one will be a prob i usually drink an entire camel bak per day 3liters of water my troublle is what the amount of food i consume the counter has seemed to help
  • hello im new here and just lookin for some cut down of me so i can be 100% at work for my crew and myself. as a note i need to drop bout 25lb or so or at least get my bmi bellow 23%
  • sugar free syrup has a LOT more sodium. Just an FYI.