two weeks and only one pound down

jsl121778 Posts: 18
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
ive been doin everything on here that is put out for me and my exercise is off the charts but im only down by one lb got any suggestion as to gettin over this hump


  • ive been doin everything on here that is put out for me and my exercise is off the charts but im only down by one lb got any suggestion as to gettin over this hump
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Are you drinking all your water?

    If so, at least you are down a pound... you are on your way to your goal
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    how much are you eating?? Mens metabolism's are much higher than womens and they need more food just to exist, the average guy should never eat less than 1700 calories per day (appx) did you do your BMR calculation to see how many you should be consuming, maybe MFP set your total calorie intake too low, and you actually need more food to lose weight? And are you eating your exericse calories?
  • Maybe you're working a little too hard. From what I understand, the first week or two of trying to eat better and exercise, your body reacts by thinking you are causing it harm and will store extra fluid. Give yourself a little more time to adjust. Make sure you eat those exercise calories so you aren't undereating too.
  • i drink plenty of water usually one camel bak or so per day thats about 3 liters and this has me at 1550 cals per day ive tried to maintain that. and no i dont eat the cals from my exercise and i do lots of that i alternate from running three miles a day with some light calestenics for a total of an hr or total muscle failure for an hr then off to work where im either in the motor pool or doin tactical training at the company area
  • What kind of exercise are you doing? If you are doing strength training, the fat you are shedding may not reflect on the scale. The best thing to do is take your measurements and use that as a reference for your success. I am a personal trainer and have had clients who were doing strength training and were discouraged because after 4 weeks of working out, they had actually gained 2 pounds but when we took her measurements, she had actually trimmed off 8 inches over her body.
  • ive been doin everything on here that is put out for me and my exercise is off the charts but im only down by one lb got any suggestion as to gettin over this hump

    Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. So measure yourself! Those changes might be even more uplifting than the scale number. ;0)

    ...and don't get dishearted. This is a life change...not just a quick fix. 1 pound a week is actually THE healthiest weight loss.

    Keep up the good work!
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    hate to say it, but you aren't eating enough. Go to the tools section calculate your BMR, which is the minimum you should eat daily to exist. If you exercise and are only eating minimum calories you must eat your exercise calories too. You are starving your body and it doesn't want to let go of its reserves, with all the exercise you are asking it to burn more than you are willing to feed it. It it defending itself by slowing your metabolism and not letting you use up its fat reserve.

    Although MFP gave you 1550, it did not calculate your BMR, (a flaw in the program in my opinion, but it's free so I am not complaining) it just told you how many you would need to eat to lose at a certain rate. Unfortunately, that took you below what your body needs daily just to function properly. Go in and read some of the posts on eating your exercise calories and eating enough. In my opinion, not eating enough calories is as bad as eating too many.

    This is a good one, I will link a couple more for you.
  • any help from a personal trainer would be good my strenght training is pushups situps pull ups rope climbing jumping jacks and things like that till muscle failure for an hr two times a week then long runs rangeing from 3/5 miles at a 8 min mile pace 2 times a week and sprints once a week all an hr long then off to my normal day during which im not still for very long some times im in my body armor all day or marching or things like that i do all this 5 days a week and do at least an hr of light work out and streching on the weekend
  • do you need to drink 3+ litres of water per day? that's over 12 cups... maybe you're retaining water?
  • yes i do need to drink that much in a day bein on a tank in full battle rattle is hard work and the body tends to sweet alot and i was wondering if i was shutting down from not eating enough
  • yeah I dont know what to say, it seems like alot of water to me but Im not you and I dont know what those conditions are like. Maybe your sodium intake is high, that can lead to water retention as well.
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    yes i do need to drink that much in a day bein on a tank in full battle rattle is hard work and the body tends to sweet alot and i was wondering if i was shutting down from not eating enough

    If you sweat excessively during the day you definintly need to drink more than the average office worker and I already told you my opinion on the shutting down because you aren't eating enough :happy:
  • allaboutme
    allaboutme Posts: 391 Member
    sorry me again. Thought I should tell you a story. My dh used to maybe eat 1400 calories per day trying to lose weight, I finally convinced him he was not eating enough for his body to allow him to lose weight. He finally agreed to up his calories and try it my way. Within about a month to 5 weeks, he had taken off 10 pounds without changing anything else. He still hates to admit I was right :laugh:
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    From what it sounds like... (i'm not a trainer) you need to eat all your exercise calories... you are eating too few calories. Lucky you... you get to eat more! yay :drinker:
  • ya on the water intake sometimes i drink more than that and only go to the latrine once a day salt intake may be a little higher than some peoples but its not over the top im gonna try to eat a bit more than what i do so maybe ill turn my reactor on full blast
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    It's imperative you eat your exercise calories or your body will go into starvation mode. Read the posts that Banks has posted. There is some excellent information there. Good luck to you. :flowerforyou:
  • in a normal day i burn about 2 -3 thousand calories in just my morning pt routine not to mention what i burn the rest of the day and my goal weight is somewhere between 160 and 170 to be at optimum weight. and allaboutme you can go ahead and post any thing you think will help im open to anything by now
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    if your only going to the latrine once a day and drinking 3 liters of water you should go see a doctor...even a person who doesnt drink that much goes more....Eating is the least of your worries so is losing weight if your not using the bathroom.
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