Thank you all for being so encouraging! It’s really nice to read all of your thoughts and experiences. I called my plastic surgeon's office today and spoke to my nurse for about 15min regarding my concerns. She was so sweet and took the time to educate me even more. She said to call her anytime. It really helps when they…
Bahahahaha! I'm just feeling a little selfish for wanting to spend that much money on myself in pure vanity (which I suppose is also my self confidence). My husband says he is okay with it and is supportive. I DID have our baby... I'm so torn! I want them, then I get scared! I better make up my mind before my surgery date!
Thank you for your input, I really appreciate it! I'm still not 100%... I do have a surgery scheduled for the end of May but it can be cancelled or post-poned. I really thought I was 100% but now I am second guessing... ugh! Did your sister get Saline or Silicone?
This is exactly what happened to me! I only gained 20lbs with my pregnancy (I am petite, 1st pregnancy) and lost everything but 8lbs the first week post-partum. I did what you did... fluctuated 2-3lbs up and down for 2mths after my initial weight loss from having her! I was at a stand still with NO additional weight loss…
Hey Ladies! Haven't been on here in a while so I thought I'd update. Had my 32wk appointment today. Baby girl is finally head down!! Midwife used to joke that she didn't like running with her head down, so I'm glad she decided to turn. I gained 2lbs, so am up to 16lbs now and she still says we are healthy and doing great!!…
My told our parents and one close friend right when we found out. We then waited until 11 weeks, after we heard the heartbeat, to tell the rest of our close friends and family. We waited until after 12 weeks to announce on Facebook and at our work places.
Hey Everyone! My 1/2 Marathon went amazing yesterday!! I was able to run the whole race and my baby girl did awesome! No bladder issues at all, she must have slept through the whole thing :). I finished with a 2:24 (~11 min mile). I really just wanted to finish so I'm very happy with my time. Last year I did a 1:52…
Hey Everyone! Had my 30 week appointment today. I have gained a total of 14.4lbs, so pretty happy about that. I am petite so my midwife said 20-25lbs is good for me. Baby girl is looking good too! I am still measuring a little small (only 27cm instead of 30cm), but they think she is only going to be a 6-7lb baby (I was…
I will be your fresh blood... ha ha! I am 29 wks 3 days today!! So far feeling great in the beginning of my 3rd trimester. Bending over is getting fun and so is shaving, lol! This is my first so I still have lots to learn about having this baby girl yet! We start our birth class next week, so am hoping to learn a lot…
Oh my word, LOVED reading this! Thank you for posting. Exactly how I feel. I had a lot of "fear" in the beginning and decided to just give it up to God and trust Him. There are a lot of things about pregnancy that are out of our control... but on the other hand there are a lot of things that are in our control (all the…
sweet!! there are two of us now ;). Hope your pregnancy is going well!
Name: Monica Hubby: Rich How many kids do you have: this is our FIRST!! Due Date: July 14, 2012 How far along are you: 23 weeks Do you know the gender: GIRL!! :) Babies Name: Raegan Madison Where do you live (if you want to share): Kalamazoo, Mi Workouts you are doing while pregnant: Running (currently training for my 2nd…
I'm due July 14th with my first!! It's a girl!!! 23 weeks right now :).