gems32 Member


  • Thanks all for your advice, I will try and cut out the high calorie stuff and see if that helps. I just really want to lose this weight i did really well a few months ago with the 5:2 diet but just couldn't keep that up. Can you recommend any protein dense foods? That are easy to have with you, I'm not to bad in the week…
  • Thank you very much for your help and your time. I will give it a try at 1700 and see what happens Thanks Gem
  • Hi, I weigh 9 stone 7, height is 158cm and I'm 27. I work out approx 5days a week for about 45min to 1 hour. 3 of the days I do heavy lifting with 20 min of cardio and the other 2 days i do pure cardio I.e. swimming Thanks gem
  • Thanks for that. It's just so annoying when I see myself eating over the tdee and staying the same but it eat what I should a gain
  • Bump
  • i have been eating that amount for 4 weeks to gain the weight
  • I think i might have confused things :blushing: If i eat at TDEE which is 1536 i'm gaining weight, If i eat at 2442 I am not gaining weight but staying the same weight - so the less i eat i'm gaining. So i need to work out what i need to eat to lose weight i.e. should i be looking in the middle which would be 1900? Thanks…
  • I have gained 3 pounds, I use weighing scales and packet information for all my calorie info. When i'm eating above my TDEE i'm staying the same not gaining weight, it's when i having what is supposed to be my TDEE calories that i am gaining weight. Thats why i am confused. Hope this makes sense.