When I first started college I really did gain the freshman 15, but it was more like the freshman 20. I have since graduated, but last year was probably the worst -- my roommate and I would both influence each other to choose unhealthy foods. If she didn't want domino's, I wanted it. Good luck on your goals!!!
That is great that you are getting back to it despite the setbacks. Water aerobics are deff a great choice!
Feel free to add me!!
flight attendant
I would prob alternate sleeping with a bunch of people and eating cake
I also now realize that "glow" is in your username. It's funny, because I didn't even notice that. I've been trying and only have had some success with a tan this season. Oh well
I'm reading The Help, even though I have seen the movie. I'm also reading Notes from No Man's Land -- essays by Eula Biss. I want to go to grad school and write creative nonfiction, so...
say hi -- you look friendly!
summer (you are glowing? where can I get some of that?)
Yes! HYE broken something of someone elses and didn't tell them?
join their gang!
I also struggle with binge eating. I binged almost every day last week. Feel free to add me if you would like
Hi! I'm Katie. I am 21 and 5'4 and I think I want to get down to 125. If you want to add me, feel free! I am also looking for more friends on here!
Wow!! Congrats! You look great
I am suffering this problem, too. My weight fluctuates because I get into a good rhythm and then something completely knocks me out of it. I think I have always been a binge eater but with less binges... in the past few weeks It's been every day. I end up feeling sick and sluggish and awful and I have woken up every day…