nursenikki829 Member


  • Happy February to you, too! I am really starting to freak out... I feel like I have so much to do to prepare for the baby! I went to my midwives yesterday, I am up 15 lbs at 29+ weeks and I am only measuring about 1 week ahead (my norm). I got my 2- year- old transitioned from his crib to a twin bed. We had a few rough…
  • Those types of carries are not great for the baby's hips and spins. If you want a structured, go with an Ergo. They are great and very baby- friendly. I use an Ergo, Moby wrap, and sling carriers.
  • Make yourself very clear... tell him that you have done your research, and lithomy position is biologically the second worst position to give birth in (second to hanging from your feet). Episiotomies are an outdated practice... it is a little scary that he does them so often when studies have shown that women heal better…
  • You look fabulous! I have been eating about 1900 to 2100 calories per day... today I am trying to get more in today because I burned almost 600 walking for almost 2 hours. I have gained about 15 lbs so far. I am trying to stay high protein, fuits and veggies and keep my diet fairly lower in carbs.
  • I am almost 30 weeks and still doing Zumba, walking, yoga and ballet. I just finished up my Tuesday night Zumba class at the gym! Keep up the great work, ladies!
  • For my first baby I labored in the tub, but birthed on all fours. My second and third were water births. I am planning a home water birth for my fourth this April.
  • Transition is tough, but it is a lot of mind over matter. Laboring in the tub was amazing for me. Usually when I get into the tub, I dilate from about 6 to 10 in 30 minutes or so. The water just has a calming affect. Early labor is also great in the shower.
  • I hope that you are starting to do a little better, and hope that your belt helps! The chiropractor rally can work wonders! I see a prenatal chiropractor and she really help with aches and pains, and help with the alignment of the hips that are causing you pain! I also have my babies adjusted when they are born, and it…
  • Ina May's is a classic and wonderfully full of info! I loved the book Baby Catcher! It is what really opened my eyes to home birth during my last pregnancy. I hope that I have time to read one or two of the other when I go on maternity leave! Also, if you haven't seen the Business of Being Born Yet, I would watch it!
  • Downward dog and child's pose help pelvic pain a lot! Good luck!
  • The greatest coaching that I ever got was during my first birth from my labor and delivery nurse. I was in transition and starting to lose it, and she told me that my body is doing what it knows how to do, but that I control the pain. I don't let the pain control me. I never forgot that, and now, I think of that every time…
  • I am planning on starting to gather my supplies this week! I am buying a big rubbermaid container and filling it with supplies as I go. My midwives have a custom home birth order kit on I am also collecting odds and ends that we will need. Has anyone else begun to collect supplies? Anything…
  • Because I was heavily active before becoming pregnant, my midwife said that it was safe to continue most of my activities as before. I just have to try and keep my heart rate below 160. I am currently 29 weeks, and am still doing Zumba, so I modify some moves to keep my heart rate down. It does go up faster, and stays up…
  • I have had three naturally, and I am currently planning a home birth with my fourth. When I was pregnant with my first, I made my mind up to have only natural childbirth unless absolutely necessary after much research in medication side effects and possible reactions. I didn't want to put anything into my body that could…
  • Midwives come prepared with antihemmoragics for after the delivery if needed. In the practice that I use, use also can't do a home birth if you are anemic.
  • My son is only two, and wouldn't understand what is happening, so he would probably just be more stressful to have in the room because his favorite thing to do is destroy any room that he is in. My girls are a little older, so they will be able to know what is happening and be a part of the experience.
  • Polar HRM are the best... I got mine on amazon for a great price. I have the Polar FT4 in pink!
  • I have been buying some new aromatherapy candles for my bedroom (which is also my birthing room). I will be setting up my birthing tub in front of my french doors, so I will only have natural light, unless it is nighttime, and in that case, I have dimmers to have dim lighting. My playlist is super eclectic with a lot of…
  • The most accurate way to track is a heart rate monitor.
  • My boobs have been hurting and leaking, and forget about my varicose veins! They are killing me! I am going to need another leg surgery after this baby because my veins are so bad (I already had my legs done after my third)! Other than that, I feel great! I have been still walking, doing yoga and zumba... and my 12 hr…
  • Ultimately, it is the elasticity of your skin that determines whether or not you get stretch marks. For some women, If you are going to get them, there isn't really anything that prevents it. I spent a lot of money on different, creams, lotions and oils and used them religiously. I got stretchmarks all over my belly up to…
  • This is my birth plan from my last birth that I had in a hospital. I used my different birth plan templates, and knowledge from previous births to compile it. Environment During Labor:  Dim Lighting  Bring my own music  Eat/ drink as I wish  Move around as I please  Wear my own clothing  Quiet environment  No…
  • Our stories are very similar! I found out (very unexpectedly) that I was pregnant with our fourth when I was 11 weeks. I had lost over 60 lbs, and had actually still gotten a light period because I was on birth control to regulate my cycle. I was having right sided pain that I though might be an ovarian cyst, so I went for…
  • We are having a boy and his name will be Zachary Levi. We already had two girls and another boy, and their names are Lilly Ashlyn, Gracie Elise and Elijah Thomas. Our girl name would have been Jolie Estelle. I am loving all of the names that everyone is choosing!
  • During our first few weeks, I usually ended up falling asleep with the baby on my chest or at the breast just because of exhaustion, but when we got into a sleeping routine, the baby stayed in a cradle right next to my bed because I tend to move a lot when I sleep, and I am too nervous to hurt the baby when I have a…
  • It is blowing my mind how fast everything is going! We are still working on remodeling, so baby STILL doesn't have a nursery until my new bedroom is done and we can shift everyone's bedrooms! I am starting to freak out because at this point during my other three pregnancies, the nurseries were all completely done! I am…
  • Lol the term "Crunchy" is referring to granola. (Like kind of hippyish)
  • Okay. You need to be honest and blunt with your doc. Tell him what you want, and don't bend on it during your birth. Many women think that their docs are on board only to be talked into unnecessary interventions later. You need to see who your doc is covered by, and if your hospital has residents that cover him. (Residents…
  • You are a little to far south of where my list goes to (mine goes from warren county down to Ocean Grove, NJ. But there is a great site called that finds you a doula based on your location and due date!
  • I have a great list of NJ doalas, let me check it out for you and see who is nearby!