Finally the person that I want to be... 60 lbs later (PICS)
I have been overweight for most of my life with a few skinny years sprinkled in during high school and college. I gained a lot of weight during my first pregnancy and struggled to lose over the next 4 years and through two more pregnancies. I was at my heaviest weight of 205 lbs after my oldest daughter was born in 2007 .…
Are there any Crunchy Mamas Out There?
Hi, I am Nicole, and you can probably describe me as a crunchy mama! I have had three all natural births with two of them being waterbirths and all were attended by midwives, and all of my babies have been breastfed for at least a year. I try and stay natural and holistic with almost everything with my kids. I am currently…
Home Birth
Is anyone else planning a home birth and or had one previously? If so, how are you preparing both mentally and physically? This is my 4th baby, but it will be my first home birth. My husband wasn't into the idea before, and now he is far more open minded. He is actually re- doing one of our bathrooms with a bigger tub for…
Shift Work
Anyone else? I currently work 7 PM to 7 AM every Saturday and Sunday, and I have never had such a hhard time keeping my eyes open. I am currently at work.... awaiting a new pt. from the ER, and dreaming of my bed.
Maternity Workout Clothes
I was able to hold out on buying maternity workout clothes until now, but I finally caved and got some from old navy. I got a compression tank and compression pants, and they are great. Super- comfortable, and the pants made it through my workout with out sliding down below my belly, and the support from the belly panel…
Birth Playlist
Do any of you mamas have a birth playlist ready to help you through your delivery? I find music great for my mood, it can help me get through a bad day, power me through a tough workout and it has also helped me during the births of my children. Even though I still have 18 weeks to go, I currently compiling my birth…
Baby Names
So, my husband and I should have this down pat by now (it is our 4th baby) .... but when it comes to choosing a baby name, I want to break his kneecaps. Is anyone else feeling like this? He likes names that are more common/ popular, and I am into names that are old- fashioned but also unique. For a boy, he likes Jackson,…
What are go craving? Good or Bad?
*The title was supposed to be what are YOU craving, but my son is climbing all over me... sorry! LOL!!! Right now, I am all about chick peas, chicken salad, apples, strawberries, carrot sticks, brussel sprouts, london broil and the only unhealthy thing is hershey bars! Every day for lunch I want a big salad with chick…
Some Light Mama Reading...
http://harvardmagazine.com/2012/11/labor-interrupted This article from Harvard discusses the rise in c- section rates in the US. It discusses cause/ effect, WHO standpoint and has weigh- ins from MD's and midwives. It is a great read, and can really help mamas make informed decisions regarding the birth of their babies!…
Maternity Running Apparel
This is my fourth pregnancy, and by far my most healthy and active.... so that being said... In the next few months I will be needing some running pants or leggings that will accommodate my bump and not fall down when I run. All of the maternity "activewear" that I have seen is more geared towards running errands than…
NSV @ Work!
One of my friends at work informed me today that I had a great NSV while I wasn't even at work! When she was telling the patient who her nurse would be tonight, the pt. said oh, Nicole, the small blonde? I never thought that I would be called small!
7 months into MFP, Day 1 of Insanity
I have been on MFP since December and lost over 50 lbs so far, my goals now include toning, muscle strengthening ext. So... my husband and I decided to do Insanity together. We just finished the Day 1 Fit Test, and it was rough!!! I can't wait to improve and advance myself with this challenge! Hopefully in 60 days I will…
A surprise NSV
Today when I got to work, there was a folded pair of scrubs in the nurses' lounge that said free on them. I picked them up and saw that they were a size small. I was nervous to even try, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to see if they fit me. They FIT! They weren't even tight! I had a little extra room in them!!!! When I…
Leg Pain While Running
I have been running since late December, and doing a modified version of C25K. I have finally overcome issues with my asthma by improving my lung capacity, and have stopped getting shin splints, I am up to 3- 4 miles/ per day, running 4 days per week. I was feeling really happy with my progress, and now I have been getting…
Long Time Coming NSV
For any of you ladies out there that gained waaay too much weight during a pregnancy, you should be able to understand where I am coming from. I gave birth to my first daughter on November 14, 2007. I gained over 50 lbs, and I ate whatever I wanted..... dumb move. While out Christmas shopping shortly after her birth, I…
I feel like a new person!!!!!!!!!!!!! With lots od pictures
I started my MFP weight loss journey during the first week of December 2011. I have spent most of my life overweight, with a brief skinny period/ struggle with eating disorder in high school. After marrying the love of my life and having three big, beautiful babies (all 8.5lbs and up), I found myself struggling more with…
I am taking my first stab at cooking with quinoa tonight..... I will be making a healthy Quinoa Mac and Cheese... I will let you know how it goes over with the family! Has anybody else experimented with quinoa? I would love some new recipe suggestions!
The right choice for me.
I know that a lot of people are up in the air about whether or not they support cosmetic surgery, but after losing over 30lbs, and working very hard on my core, I know that even with more weight loss, I will never be happy with my abdomen. I have had three big babies, and my skin isn't very elastic, so my options are…
Old jeans NSV
I am not at my goa yetl, but I have lost 30 lbs so far (26 on here), and I am so happy that I can fit into my hottest pair or jeans from my pre- kids days!!!! These jeans are from 2006!!!!!!!!!!! I am on cloud 9! https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/405377_3414633887591_1322390795_4389974_1234310471_n.jpg
Family Friendly Dinner Ideas???
I love to cook and experiment with new recipes, but recently, I feel as though my healthy eating is pushed me into a food rut. I would love some suggestions for family friendly dinners to try (I have a 4 year old, 3 year old and 1 year old). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Just Say No NSV
I am so proud of myself... I have been turning down foods that I used to have major weaknesses for. Tonight I made homemade mac and cheese for my hubby and kids while I had a super- healthy chicken, veggie stir- fry. Then, my neighbor brought over freshly baked, warm chocolate chip cookies that are just sitting on the…
Couch to 5 K
I have always envied those people that can just "go for a run", and I have decided that I want to be one of those people. No more excuses! I am starting the couch to 5K workout plan today! Has anyone had success with this? Any feedback and tips would be greatly appreciated:smile:
Super- busy mom of three looking for some motivation...
Hi, my name is Nicole. I am a busy wife and mom of three with 2 DD and one DS. I also work full- time as a RN while going to school for my BSN. My schedule is hectic, so it has been difficult for me to lose my baby weight. Any tips, help or motivation would be greatly appreciated. PS... If anyone else out there works night…