

  • Hello we are very similar I don’t have a start weight really though as I have only just started but my states are - Starting Weight - 128 Current Weight - 126 Goal Weight - 115 - 110 Height - 5' Age - 25 See so we are very similar other than your a tad lighter in years and weight. Deff add me if you want some support, I…
  • HaHa, same here. For me it's alcohol. The other day we had some nice mulled wine in the garden with a blanket and a little fire and I was embrassed to admit I drank 3 cups - 220kcal EACH!!!! That is painful! I hate the idea of logging my alcohol take in its far too painful and now we are in the Christmas session it’s only…
  • You have done amazing and also look it! Well done you, your an inspiration for others to keep going!:smile:
  • Well done thats brill!
  • Thank you for all your encouragement! I’m pleased to say that I did go shopping and I did brisk walking for the evening and parked not so close to the shops so a) I had further to walk and b) I didn’t have the option to drop some of the bags off, hence carrying them about with me for the entire time! Once again thanks,…