

  • First thing you need to do . . . just take a deep breath and understand that some folks don't understand, they don't know where we are , and where we are coming from. I've discovered if I face the pain head on, then it doesn't hurt so much. I was walking my dog the other day and there were a few teenaged punks playing…
  • Congratulations! Just think of what you have done for your health! You have helped your body regain its natural ability to do what it is supposed to do . . .and that is awesome. Also, below 200 . . . that is something that I look forward to. Have a great day and congratulations, keep it up.
  • I think every five pounds would be a good idea. I would suggest pedicures, manicures, major milestones such as 25, 50 or making it below a certain number . . .something bigger, like a massage, night at a bed and breakfast, new hairstyle, etc. I think anything that makes you feel beautiful would be a great reward.
  • Hey, don't give up! Drink more water and find something to do, every little bit helps. Hope the kitties settle in well.
  • Wow! I thought just sticking to walking the dog was pretty impressive. It reminds me that I'm going to have to start kicking it up a notch to get results. Thanks for the reminder and enjoy your easy day.
  • Thank you all!
    in Hi Comment by Maxwell911 June 2010
  • Thanks Chris
    in Hi Comment by Maxwell911 June 2010
  • I just joined today and came across your story and I found it hilarious, yet so inspirational at the same time. You made such a wonderful point about by making one change another happened that made such a huge difference for your family. Thanks for making me laugh and making me cry . . . it gives me hope that I'll be doing…