Nothing this week

I didn't lose anything this week but that's okay!
I've been doing my usual so I know I'm not slacking. I realize every now and then I won't lose anything. :)
I'm still happy because I started at 285 and now I'm 269, so I'm going to keep on trucking and before you know it, I'll be down to 220-230, fingers crossed.
Sadly I didn't make it to the gym today because I took my wife and kids to pick up two baby kittens! but I mowed so that's something at least!
Hope all is doing well!!


  • Maxwell911
    Hey, don't give up! Drink more water and find something to do, every little bit helps. Hope the kitties settle in well.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I've been doing this for about 3 1/2 months and I've had 4 weeks where I had zero loss. Not all at once but scattered (although 2 were back to back), averaging about 1 a month. And your right to just keep doing what you are doing because it will kick right back in and start dropping again. :smile: