Men have such different ideas and opinions about food and weight loss than women do. I think your husband is probably just trying to help instill a sense of moderation in your efforts because he is worried about you. But you have to ask yourself, was "just working out, eating, and not worrying about keeping up with logging…
Smartfood popcorn? That's doesn't count-it's all air! That's what I'm telling myself...
I try to stick to a "if you wouldn't eat it in front of a date/new boyfriend, don't eat it at all" rule, but some Taco Bell does happen occasionally. Deny, deny, deny. :)
I particularly like the Breakstone's 2% cottage cheese in the 4-pack. I pair mine with tinned, drained mandarin oranges. I've been eating that since I was a little girl, so it doesn't even seem like a "diet food" to me. I'm a big fan of black pepper, and now I want to try it with that as well! Good suggestion everyone!