wolfjaime Member


  • L3D4 complete!! We are getting closer!! Had a tough time getting motivated to do it today but after I did, I felt great! It's amazing how I can feel myself getting stronger!
  • Made it through L3D2 today. Jumping lunges and scissor abs are killing me!! 8 more days everyone!!! Getting close now!! Has anyone taken measurements lately?
  • L2D10 complete!! Great job everyone! Here's to 10 more days!!! :)
  • L2D4 complete today - almost half way!! UGGG level 2 is tough! My arms feel like jello when I'm done!!
  • L1D10 complete!! Ready to start a new level!! Excellent job to everyone that has made it this far!! 1/3 of the way done already!!
  • I know I thought the same thing when I first heard her say that! I also thought it was funny when Natalie quits doing her lunges.... cracks me up because she has this attitude like "just try to keep up with me" and then we all see her slackin!! Hahahaha!
  • Level 1 Day 9 finished.... one more day then on to a new challenge - LEVEL 2!! After tomorrow we will be 33.3333% through the Jillian Challenge!!
  • Level 1 Day 9 finished.... one more day then on to a new challenge - LEVEL 2!! After tomorrow we will be 33.3333% through the Jillian Challenge!!:happy:
  • Hi everyone!! So excited to be part of this group!! I hope this helps to keep me motivated to get through the full 30 days!! I did the 30DS back in April '12 and was very happy with my results!! I'm not gonna lie, by the end I was so ready to be done! I stayed with it and was very glad I did! i'm finally to the point where…
  • You look great! You are truly and inspiration!! Keep it up!