

  • That's exactly the problem today. Too many parents are afraid of alienating their children if they discipline. They try harder to be "best friends" instead. FYI, your children will respect you more later in life if you step up and be their parent and disciplinarian now. Do your job!!!
  • Welcome Earguy. I, too, did Weight Watchers 3 different times with no success. My Fitness Pal has been my saving grace. I was only 6 or 7 lbs. to goal when the holidays hit. I'm not 10.4 lbs to goal. Everyone here is so supportive and inspiring. Everything I've needed and was lacking at WW online. Good luck on your…
  • I have fibro. I don't take any meds. Was diagnosed 2 or 3 years ago and when offered pain meds and sleeping pills I asked what I could do aside from those to get rid of pain and SLEEP!!! He said exercise which I already did so I upped my exercise. I run a ton now and I do bootcamp 4 days a week (Monday -Thursday). I'm…
  • I'm thinking if you really want it that bad then EARN IT. Figure out how you can fit it within your calorie goals and BURN IT UP in the gym or whatever you do for exercise. Stay within your calorie goals and EARN IT!!! If you want it bad enough.....and you want to lose the extra pounds........you'll earn it!!
  • Lean protein/veggies and fruit keep you fuller longer, are healthier for you and are not processed like most "WHITE" carbs. You get carbs from fruits and veggies too. I do occasionally eat "carbs" but they will be whole grain. Not white rice, not regular pasta. Everything everyone here said about blood sugar and carbs and…
  • I looked at your diet and exercise diary and let me say these things. First of all, EXERCISE MORE. If your goal is to eat 1300 calories a day you do that and burn 300 calories walking/running/ANYTHING CARDIO...then your NET calories are only 1000. Eating at a deficit temporarily DOES WORK!!! I do not eat my exercise…
  • Dannon Light & Fit 2XProtein greek yogurt (80 calories) and fruit....typically a banana for me (90 calories). 170 calorie meal and it keeps me full till lunch usually. If not, I add an apple about 1/2 thru (another 65 calories or so).
  • NSV....realizing that I shouldn't watch the SCALE but focus on inches lost. I bought size 8s this past weekend!!!! BIG VICTORY FOR ME!!
  • My food diary is calories/carbs/fat/protein/fiber and sodium. Check your settings. I count calories/carbs and protein!!! Mine does great and you can google nutrition for most anything and come close, then just pick one closest to your estimate on MFP. I have no probs. I put my whole day in over my first cup of coffee in…
  • sorry for posting error......I have a thermal lunch box. I bring greek yogurt and small banana for breakfast, mid morning snack of 3 five inch celery stalks with four pepper hummus (2 tbsp), lunch is liveactive yogurt and no sugar added fruit cup and a small pack of baby carrots, afternoon snack is large gala apple and…
  • Like everyone else is saying....YOU'RE NOT EATING ENOUGH FOOD. Figure that out first....then plan your meals accordingly. Make sure you're eating lots of lean proteins, fruits and veggies. Limit your breads/pastas/sweets and you actually get to eat more food. When you spend your 1200 or 1400 calories a day eating chocolate…
  • I am from WW. I, too, couldn't afford the monthly fee and was struggling to get to meetings with all my outside activities. Instead, I do a bootcamp 4 times a week, I do my exercises with friends, I joined an online weightloss challenge (free - we just formed a group on facebook) and I log everything here on MFP. All this…
  • I turn 50 this year. A few years ago I did the c25k and struggled with it tremendously. Running for 2 minutes was a HUGE DEAL!! Now I can run for an hour straight...5-6 miles at a time with ease. I'll be training for my first 1/2 marathon starting in November. You can do it. I will tell you this. Add in strength training…
  • I don't eat any type of red meat and haven't for 8-10 years. No carbonated beverages of any sort except for the occasional beer. Carbs are my downfall. Breads/pastas/sweets I try to get all my carbs from fruits and veggies but I do occasionally eat a real carb!! LOL I even eat only peas/corn/potatoes/etc. on occasion.…
  • No need to explain, I've lost Dad, Mom and my older sis to cancer...all within 12 year span. I stress-eat too. Don't think I've every "binged" but instead of being concious of what was going in my mouth, I would eat whatever was handy. I don't eat red meat ever, so nothing like burgers...but chips/pizza/mexican…
  • AMAZING,....you motivated me and I wasn't even unmotivated. I'm telling you now I'm sharing last two paragraphs of your speech with a weightloss challenge group I'm in. It was a 90 day challenge and we're down to the last 30 days and people are falling like cards. Thanks for sharing......I was moved.
  • I'm 5'2", I'll be fifty this year and my goal is 129....BUT if I'm a little over or under, not going to worry because my ultimate goal is to be FIT. So, doing strength and cardio and melting away the inches. Good luck!!
  • I did exactly the same and got concerned.....it certainly won't last. You must have modified your diet somehow or increased water/exercise or something. Did you?
  • I'm turning 50 in a month, I'm 5'2" and I've been as heavy as 170. I'm down to 141 and my goal is 129.
  • Friends on myfitnesspal is a wonderful thing. I can smile everyday when someone gives me a verbal "pat on the back" for a job well done or picks me up each time I fall. Friend us.....you'll see. It helps! I have to be held accountable. With that being said, I signed up for a 4 day a week bootcamp (I pay for it so I feel…
  • You are starving yourself which has the opposite effect. I agree with those that said start tracking on this site......AND EAT!!!
  • CW 146 GW 126 Weigh-in is Christmas Day? Sounds like fun and what a nice Christmas surprise!! ;0)
  • I looked at your diary as well. I believe it's a comibination of everything stated here. The lack of exercise, not being true in your diary (liquid calories and all) and what you're eating. Instead of focusing on getting your sweet fix each day replace those useless calories with fruit and veggies, fiber and other things…
  • And that's exactly why I do it as well. I want to break the chain in my family and be the example my kids need to live a happy, healthy lifestyle. Secondly, all my friends support me. If they didn't, they certainly weren't my friends.
  • So, here's my thinking. I was stuck at 150 for literally months and months. I was eating my exercise calories along with my 1200 calories a day and I didn't budge. I exercise a ton too!!! And I still didn't budge. And then, in frustration, put on 5 lbs. eating pizza and chips and salsa. So, I joined boot camp again, I'm…
  • Congrat! You look amazing and thanks for the motivation. I'm within 18 lbs of GOAL and cannot wait!!!