ArielMelton Member


  • I'll keep it short, because I'm only 5'4". ;) Starting weight: 373 in 2011 Current weight: 215 Short-term goal weight: 199 (it will start with a ONE!) Mid-term goal weight: 165 Long-term goal: to be set after I reach 165 I weighed 100 pounds when I was 11 years old, so this has been a lifelong problem. I actually wear a…
  • I exercise both at home and at the YMCA. If I just cannot carve out 90 minutes for the Y, I can get in 30 minutes at home at the very least. If you do think of a gym and there's one near you, check out the Y. As part of the membership you can join their "Coach Approach" program which assigns you a kind of mentor. He or she…
  • Hi scrapperthoke, just wondering if you had any more info on why your doctor dislikes protein shakes so much. They were part of my first few months post-surgery by doctor's recommendation. It's the first time I've heard something negative about them in the situation and was surprised. Not saying it isn't valid, new data…
  • I had the RNY. The nurses on my ward called me "the traveller" because I was walking around that bariatric ward like crazy as soon as the anesthesia wore off. One reason I was so motivated was the huge battery of tests I had to go through to be approved for the surgery; I had gone through a lot to "earn" that surgery and I…
  • When I was over 350 pounds, I did "chair aerobics" at home, which took strain off my knees. I can't remember the exact videos I had at the time but I took a quick look on Amazon and there are quite a few different ones there. I felt a little self-conscious at first (yes, even all alone in my own living room!) because I…
  • I'd love to know the answer to this, too. My coach at the Y thinks I would like Aqua Zumba but I'm hesitant to sign up since I have arthritic knees.
  • I always keep bananas on hand, can't wait for some to get over-ripe so I can try this. Thanks!
  • Hi Tiffany and others, I'm here for hubby, too. I actually have the opposite problem from him, my blood pressure runs a little low, but I do all of the cooking and when recently tracking our sodium intake, I was SO frustrated that ANYTHING that is boxed/canned/frozen is just loaded with salt. Even with low BP, I don't want…
  • Good morning everyone! First post here. My goal was to lose 200 (yes, two hundred) pounds and *with the help of a gastric bypass* I have come a long way but got sidetracked a bit. Problems with my ex were exacerbated by my weight loss (this is apparently a common thing unfortunately) then I was laid off, had a hard time…