4lizjo Member


  • I'll Join in Too, I have MFP as my home page, and was just thinking what change do I need to make to what I'm doing to really kick in losing the pounds, and I saw this post. Current weight is 231, Goal in 4 weeks: 220 Of course the more the better, but I'm really looking to lose, and keep off safely with out the yo-yo…
  • not eating anything is not a good idea, it just makes things worse, it doesn't help, your body will think it's going to starve the next time you eat and will store more reserves (fat) incease you decide not to feed your body again. Eating about every 3-4 hours is really ideal.. and not whole meals, but a snack inbetween…
  • If you are talking about how to interpret the food database, I understand your confusion. note that the items listed with a * in front of them are added by a member of MFP members If you are unsure of which one to use click on the food, to the right in the blue box there is link to get the nutritional information. you can…
  • I figured out I just really like the pepperoni, cheese, and of course the bread... I've added pepperoni to sandwhiches--- hot- toasted in the toaster oven, just a few slices of pepperoni and cheese, (and I use full fat) just a couple of ounces of cheese. Adds GREAT flavor, and I feel like I get a bit of a pizza fix. Not…
  • Simple Answer Not long. I love working on the ellipitcal because it's almost no impact but great cardio. Start off with 5 or 10 min sessions, just be sure to warm up and cool down by walking or taking it slower on the ellipitcal. Mentally think that the motion is like walking.