Everybody has to start somewhere. Over time, you'll get less 'freaking huge' and will feel more part of it. Dr. Seuss said in one of his books- Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. I didn't start out very fit and I still have a ways to go but I love when…
Google Home Body Fat Test- it's a great site that gives you info and has a tool that will figure out your body fat with a tape measure. I've found it to be more accurate than the hand held devices.
Get a new seat that is made for women with a slit down the middle. Sometimes they're a little pricey but they're worth it! I got mine from a bike company that makes woman's bikes and sells bike stuff for women.
I'm there too. What I'm going to do is eat cleaner (minimize the processed foods, i.e., cook more), do some additional cardio after I do my weight training and increase the amount of weight that I lift- push myself a bit more. If this doesn't work....... but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. good luck! to all of…
I would not consider myself a stalker as much as a lurker.......
I have one and it is useful but the armband gets to be a bit itchy. It can give you alot of info about your metabolism, activity, sleep patterns and the like. When I first bought it, I wore it faithfully but now I wear it only a few days a week. Be warned, the website is slow and cumbersome, at least it is on my somewhat…
Welcome! I'm alot older than you- in fact you could be my daughter easily- but we share the love of horses and dogs and also the weight problem. I've been on MFP since January and it helped me fit back into those breeches and boots. Still have 15-20 lbs. to go...... Just thought I'd say hey and welcome a fellow horse girl…
It's 98 degrees (more of that dry heat) with a 20mph wind to suck the moisture right out of you. I live in SE New Mexico and it will be like this till late October. whee.
Thanks for letting me in!! I really haven't been drinking all the suggested water so that's a great choice for a first challenge.
Is there room for one more? My weight now is 151.5- down from 185 on January 4. I need all the help I can get to lose the last 21.5 lbs...