

  • Pro tip: you can turn off the freestyle in Dance Central 2 if you want.
  • Vary your caloric intake every day. Today, be 200 under. Tomorrow, be 200 over. I was hitting my target intake (1700) pretty much on the nose for the first few weeks. After a first few weeks of nice losses, I had noticed that I had hit a plateau. Did some research, and based on that information, switched up my intake to…
  • and all of their related websites (squats and situps). These programs require no hardware and very little time per week relative to other programs, but can have a noticeable impact depending on where you are. These have been a great way for me to get up from the couch without trying to step in to some…
  • Just doing a quick Google search on "fish and chips calories" it seems the smaller numbers are more realistic for a small portion. What I usually do when I am eating something that doesn't have a specific entry in the database, is take a look at some of the restaurant chains that ARE in the database that have this meal.…
  • The Wii Balance Board is most accurate when used on a hard floor. Using it on the carpet - any height carpet, with the feet or not - can result in fluctuating measurements based on how much of the carpet (and its pad) is giving way when you step on it. I have found that putting it on a yoga mat actually make it even more…