the dreaded weight plateau

Ive reached it. im not gaining or losing..not even slightly, im not sure what i can do, i drink ALOT of water never go over my calories. if anyone can help it would be amazing.


  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Hiya...try not to stress too much...I've just finally shifted after crazy plateau! I know it's frustrating but, once you break out of it, the weight loss becomes steady again. :flowerforyou:

    Glad your water intake is high...keep it up....I would also try and step up your exercise a little...try a little cardio and strength training. How about zig zagging your calories? Having a day of high calories and lowering your intake the following day?

    If you are staying too far below your daily calorie intake, you may bne hindering your weight loss significantly...make sure you are getting a minimum of 1200 cals a day!

    Hope this helps and Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • designingsean
    Vary your caloric intake every day. Today, be 200 under. Tomorrow, be 200 over.

    I was hitting my target intake (1700) pretty much on the nose for the first few weeks. After a first few weeks of nice losses, I had noticed that I had hit a plateau. Did some research, and based on that information, switched up my intake to anywhere between 1400 to 1900.

    I broke through the plateau later almost immediately and haven't looked back.
  • emilysparey
    thankyou! im going to try that, fingers crossed xx
  • crazybxrmom
    crazybxrmom Posts: 62 Member
    I feel your frustration as I am having the same issue. I looked carefully at my cals and realized I haver been consistently under 1200 and I have been logging for 8 weeks. I am going to up my cals to 1500 and up my exercise and see what I get. This is the weight I always get stuck at, want that to change this time without me getting too frustrated and going back to my old ways of eating.
  • WeightingForSara
    WeightingForSara Posts: 122 Member
    switching up my calories works for me. Like for two days I will eat 1600 calories, and then the third day I will only eat 1000. Then resume my regular 1200 after that. That usually helps. Also, change up what you're doing when you work out. I started taking classes at the local gym when I hit my last plateau (which was at -25lbs, seems to be everyones! haha) and that helped also.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Vary your caloric intake every day. Today, be 200 under. Tomorrow, be 200 over.

    I was hitting my target intake (1700) pretty much on the nose for the first few weeks. After a first few weeks of nice losses, I had noticed that I had hit a plateau. Did some research, and based on that information, switched up my intake to anywhere between 1400 to 1900.

    I broke through the plateau later almost immediately and haven't looked back.

    I was about to say the exact same thing, I upped my cals by 200 a day and within 5 days the scale was moving again. Now I try to vary at least a few days a week.
    Good luck
  • NineInchGirl
    Hiya...try not to stress too much...I've just finally shifted after crazy plateau! I know it's frustrating but, once you break out of it, the weight loss becomes steady again. :flowerforyou:

    Glad your water intake is high...keep it up....I would also try and step up your exercise a little...try a little cardio and strength training. How about zig zagging your calories? Having a day of high calories and lowering your intake the following day?

    If you are staying too far below your daily calorie intake, you may bne hindering your weight loss significantly...make sure you are getting a minimum of 1200 cals a day!

    Hope this helps and Good Luck :flowerforyou:

    She's absolutely right! I was stuck on a darn plateau for 3 weeks and just got out of it. I lost 5.8 pounds this week! Change your workout routine! Your body knows when you are gonna jump to the left and jump to the right..So do something new. Also, the more you lose weight, the less energy it takes to move that new light body of yours. So make sure you are still giving your all when you workout =) Oh and play with your cals! I lose the most weight on the weeks where i eat a lil over during a day or two! So your body is like oOOo im not dieting anymore and runs your metabolism a lil quicker cuz there's a higher food intake *winks*. Oh and keep drinking that water! I know plateaus are super frustrating but they don't last forever and you'll feel great when you break away from it.. and you'll go back to losing weight (just like before) =) Good luck!!