

  • I started the 30DS 2 weeks ago! Tomorrow will be day 5 of level 2... haven't lost any weight, but definitely feeling more energy & endurance.... I love it so far. I did measurements before day 1 and will wait to check them again on day 30. =)
  • 5' 6" stuck a 150! Just started doing at home workout videos (jillian michaels) having a hard time holding myself accountable logging food every single day....... would love to hear everyones stories to motivate. :)
  • I just finished day 2 of level 2. it's definitely challenging but I have so far been able to push hrough the work out. My question my have already been discussed throughout the first part of this thread, but I am curious as to what yall are eating???? after work outs and just normal day to day? I have basically kept my…