

  • I did it through the local YMCA: There are two tests, resting and exercise, where they measure the amount of oxygen you breathe in and the carbon dioxide you exhale to determine your RMR as well as how hard you need to work to burn the maximum amount of fat calories. Example: My RMR is 1727 + very light lifestyle = 2245…
  • I have one of these and I love it!! (I bought the purple/pink one and it was $75 with tax and everything)
  • I don't have much experience in that area myself, but confidence can be a big turn on. It's not the short dress or the perfect hair, it's the strut of the girl who knows she looks good... I have a hard time telling why people look at me, and as for actual flirtations from guys... Can't say that it's happened more than 2 or…
  • My brother-in-law caused what could be an unforgivable situation: For background purposes, he was brought here illegally as a child and we had been working on righting that wrong before this all happened. My husband (the youngest child) was forced to leave the US only 2 short months after the birth of our daughter. That…
  • Hey we're pretty close! Age 27 (on 3/29) Height 5'9" SW: 220 (pre MFP) CW: 201.5 GW: 160 If my twin wants to friend me - go right ahead :)