ccruns920 Member


  • Thank you to everyone for the encouragement! I know I always come to these boards when I need extra motivation. It's been particularly rough lately since I can't run right now. I wish I was actually 20 again - then I could have started this running business at a point when putting my foot down the wrong way wouldn't cause…
  • I almost always have a protein bar and coffee for breakfast (I rotate the brand every two weeks or so). Today was an anomaly because I need to use up the english muffins before they get stale:). I probably eat about 5 small "meals" a day. I like the suggestions so far! I do love vitatops, I'll remember to pick some more…
  • I totally feel your pain. I'm 5'6" and my body is programmed at 155. It goes up a little. It goes down a little. But, in the end, I am always 155. It's been months. I would lean down and hug my scale if 149 showed up.
  • If I am some place with great cocktails, I have one high-calorie drink then switch to vodka-soda (sometimes splash of cran). Or, I order a hefty martini and sip on it for a loong time. I'd much rather drink less and use my calories for a very tasty dinner. My husband and I are a bit younger, but we've been on several…
  • Still looking for more female friends with similar goals!
  • If I'm going to be out for over an hour, I bring something (I'm sure deprivation training is the best, but I get all crabby after an hour and need something to look forward to, at the very least:). I had a positive experience with honey stingers on my 10-miler this weekend. I also like the sport beans because they don't…
  • No worries, I'm not looking to judge anyone! I LOVE sugar. And no matter how bad it was, I log it. If I had pie for dinner, it's in there:).
  • Thank you to all who posted. It's nice to get a little encouragement:).