Help, I can't get into the 150's ...Again!!

Two years ago I lost 30lbs (whoo hoo!) going from 190lbs-160lbs (I am 5'8"). My goal weight was 150lbs, which I never reached as, I stalled at 160lbs and the scale would not move. I just accepted 160lbs and maintained this weight (162-165lbs) for two years, trying a few times to lose that extra 10 pounds with no luck. From Sept.-Dec. I gained 10lbs and have since lost it (yay!) with the plan this time to finally loose that extra 10lbs!! Once I hit 160lbs I was super excited for my next week’s weigh in ... I would FINALLY get into the 150's!!! So what happened at my next weight in??? I gained 3 pounds!!!! WTF!! I exercised hard and ate well! After a mini break down that morning, and measuring myself, I realized the weight gain was likely due to a high sodium meal the night before and not drinking enough water. Nevertheless, the whole thing has really deflated me and I am feeling really bummed out! I always get so close and just can’t seem do it. I just want to break away from the160's! Please help!


  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    You can definitely get there, it's tough and scales lie! Are you eating enough, I looked and saw your goal is 1320-is that with workout calories or do you not eat them back? have you figured out your TDEE and BMR? Check out this post to figure them out if you haven't yet. ( How much are you working out?

    Also, it looks like you don't log every day so it's tough to say-I know for me sodium plays a huge factor in the scale so I started tracking that to see it as well as sugar (both things that seem to work for me). As you know, it takes time for weight to move. Maybe try changing up your workout routine, see if something different will kick start it again for you
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    You are my height and weight twin!!! I am LITERALLY going through the EXACT same thing- with the ten to twenty pound fluctuation in the past but never breaking into the 150s (at least not for several years). I JUST WANT TO SEE THAT DAMN FIVE ON THE SCALE!!! Most recently I weighed in at 162 and was pleased. Haven't weighed myself in a few weeks (I like to weigh myself on days I'm feeling particularly good/ thin so as to avoid a complete mental breakdown) but I KNOW I haven't cracked it yet. I share your frustration!!! Any and all suggestions welcome!! I have seriously considered doing something "quick fix" like a stupid 3-day diet or cleanse JUST to break 160 and have the mental benefits of doing so (even if its water weight only....) Someone dissuade me from doing so!! Must break this plateau!!!
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    I feel your pain! I am 5'10 and flucuate between 168 - 171. A couple of weeks ago I actually broke 168 and weighed in at 166. Up to that point I just wanted to be in the 160's and NOT reach the 170's again! I haven't been 166 since! But have only reached 170 once. The scale is proven to be our own worst enemy! Why do we keep getting on it? If our friends treated us like our scale does, we'd get rid of them in a flash! Why do we keep are scales in our lives? It is definately a love/hate relationship. Can't live with them, can't live without them!
  • NINAjustdoit
    NINAjustdoit Posts: 80 Member
    I try not to be a slave to the scale, but it's so hard to not be fixated on "that numer". After a crappy weekend I am back at it today (logging and exercising). I am going to try and mix up my workout routine and not weight in for two weeks. I usually eat 1300-1500 calories a day, and I eat a portion of my exercise calories back. I workout 3-4 (usually 3) times a week, mixing strength and cardio This seems reasonable ... right?

    150's, I better see you in two weeks!!
  • bf43285
    bf43285 Posts: 43 Member
    Ha we should start a club. I'm at 164 now and was 153 last April. That was the lowest I ever remember being. In about 4 months I gained it all back. It's like my body is programed for the 160s and my mind is 140s. I have been going to the gym and being active since October and really need to work more on my diet but I have only lost 4 lbs! It is so motivating that I am trying so hard and getting no where. It's like a double edge sword because I don't see results do then I slip then feel depressed about that and the cycle continues.
  • ccruns920
    ccruns920 Posts: 14 Member
    I totally feel your pain. I'm 5'6" and my body is programmed at 155. It goes up a little. It goes down a little. But, in the end, I am always 155. It's been months. I would lean down and hug my scale if 149 showed up.