pattyproctor50 Member


  • I have been gluten free for about 5 years. There a re far better gluten free choices now especially in the bread. Check out Against the Grain products.
  • I am game for this one. I walk everyday and am working up to walking a 5k in September. This should be good for the training.
  • Hi Cassie, You can add me to your friends. I have been on MFP for a bit and love the site, but am always looking for friends and supporters. I, unfortuantely, passed 20 a long time ago. I am 61. I started at 218 and am now down below 200 but stuck in a plateau. Welcome to MFP.
  • I know for me that if I try to have too large of a negative intact (food minus exercise) for the day, I won't lose weight. You may also want to look at the sodium content of the foods you eat. I have a huge issue with that. I can gain 5lbs in a weekend if I am eating too many salty foods. They don't even have to be very…