treetop57 Member


  • The God who can be proved by the type of arguments you've been making is a false God. That's the God who existence I've been arguing against. Better to believe in no God than a false God.
  • I disagree that you've been successful. You've set yourself an impossible task that God doesn't even bother with. I'm just perverse enough that I enjoy arguing against the existence of God even though in God I live and move and have my being.
  • My experience isn't "proof" for anyone but me. But for me, it's more than enough.
  • What I hear you saying just now is that you believe the testimony of the Bible because you believe in the person of Jesus Christ. That is exactly the opposite of what you have been arguing all along: that you believe in God because of the account in the Bible. Giving credence to the Bible because you have had experience of…
  • Now that is an eyewitness account I cannot argue with. I feel the same way sometimes reading the Psalms. Some of those were written by people who had experiences very close to my own and I feel a deep kinship across the millennia. (The imprecatory psalms, not so much.) But eyewitness accounts of miracles leave me flat. I…
  • Just to be clear, your disagreeing with the interpretative aids on the American bishops' website on who wrote the books of the Bible doesn't make you a bad Catholic. But agreeing with them doesn't make me a bad Catholic, either. [It's other things entirely that make me a bad Catholic.]
  • None of the Bible was written directly by any eyewitness, as stated in the introductions to the books of the New Testament. Nihil obstat and Imprimatur!
  • . Deleted on second thought.
  • Once again that idiosyncratic use of the word "proof." There is proof of Nirvana, through the life of Gautama, in the Buddhacarita . There is proof of Ahura Mazda, through the life of Zoroaster, in the Avesta. There is proof of Brahma, through the life of Krishna, in the Bagavad Gita. There is proof of Voldemort, through…
  • As I recall, I started quoting the American bishops' website after you implied that no true Christian would believe that the gospel predictions of the destruction of Jerusalem were written after the destruction of Jerusalem. I never claimed it made you a bad Catholic to ignore this exercise of the bishops' teaching office.…
  • And I have never said anything different. You are perfectly free to choose to ignore this particular exercise of the bishops' teaching office.
  • No doubt. Which leaves me mystified as to why you said something as ridiculous as the Bible "was written by eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus. People who knew him and hung out with him."
  • Who supposedly wrote the books of the Bible? Books written by non-eyewitnesses to the life of Jesus: Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Ezra Nehemiah Tobit Judith Esther 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Job Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes Song of…
  • Strange use of the word "proof."
  • You said: You were wrong. You were wrong in two ways: (a) Because not all gun owners have to fill out form ATF-F-4473 and (b) Because one doesn't have to be able to read and write to fill out form ATF-F-4473. Not much point in trying to have a discussion with you if you just move on to more nonsense after being proven…
  • From Form ATF-F-4473: One doesn't have to be able to read and write to buy a gun from federally-licensed dealer, let alone to own one.
  • Are you saying that every gun transfer requires a ATF-F-4473?
  • I'm all for restricting voting to those who pass an intelligence and knowledge test . . . as long as we also restrict gun ownership in the same way.
  • From one of the co-authors of your last two links, MassiveDelta: So this guy who thinks women vote with their ovaries also thinks that men vote with their balls. Still zero evidence for your feeling that women are far more emotional about choices and issues, MassiveDelta.
  • Half of all Americans are below the median intelligence.
  • Perhaps if you provided some facts instead of just your feeling that women are far more emotional about choices and issues, MassiveDelta, more people would be persuaded by your argument.
  • Doesn't matter to me one way or another.
  • Ann Coulter has made a great career out of sucking at politics. Why do you want to deprive her of a job!??!?!?!???!?
  • Which makes them just like men.
  • Apparently when he's not making up data or posing as a sycophantic grad student, John Lott confuses correlation and causation.
  • You can't blame dogs if cat digestion is so ineffective that their poop is full of nutrients.
  • Stromboli! My favorite thing!
  • I'll get right on that. Thanks for the valuable advice!
  • You can only imagine how much safer that makes me feel.