Annewx Member


  • I love them.. Maybe because I am Chinese and my mum used to buy this stuff without knowing how healthy, low calorie and low carb it is. I have tried this in a noodle soup and stir fry and I can't get enough of it!
  • I got the Weight Watchers grated cheddar as it was lowest in fat I could find in cheese section - I also used it to make a pizza with and the texture is definitely different as it doesn't melt like a normal cheese although when it crisps up it is delish! Last I saw it was on offer in Sainsburys :-)
  • Bananas do not cost a lot! They are (or were) 68p per kg in Tesco. Although I think they have gone up a few pence. But you can get 4/5 bananas for around £1 so try tesco for bananas!
  • Thank you, will look into them! I guess I just need to eat full fat foods rather than light etc. although I'm just using up what's already in my fridge at the moment with the light salad cream etc. Thank you :-)
  • Well I don't really have a goal weight as I know muscle weighs more than fat so since I have started weight training I rarely weigh myself. Just been doing a lot of reading - my main goal is to have nice abs (!! Don't we all) so I started this journey in the kitchen which is why I wanted advice about my eating!
  • Unfortunately I like in the UK and we dont have yummy food like burritos! Well - not as easily available as elsewhere! But thanks everyone for your advice, I will have to do a bit more food shopping and see what I can come up with!
  • I too have missed where you have got this from? If its anywhere on my profile - i created this account a long time ago and recently over the past few weeks I have started to use this. Mainly to fix up my eating habits first. And yes I have been weight training..
  • I have recently started reading New Rules of Lifting for Woman, in there i have worked out that my BMR is around 1200, my TDEE is 1800 and on days I do work out i need to eat at around 2000. Obviously i have only been using it as a guide to see what i need to do.
  • I did the 30day shred straight and I quite enjoyed it, it got me back to working out! I'm not overweight I just wanted to tone up a bit. I didn't lose any weight worth mentioning although this wasn't what I was aiming for anyway and I did measurements before, during and after. Cut a long story short my 28" waist went down…
  • Yes! I'm a nurse and work 12 hour shifts and at one point I only brought in lunch to eat and maybe an apple or toast for breakfast/mid-morning snack (I never used to eat breakfast) and I noticed I was feeling quite bloated and felt disgusting. I then changed my ways and ate breakfast either before I left my house, or…