
  • So that means I am then eating alot of calories? That can't be right surely? I am 5ft 6 and weight 10 1/2 stone. I just want to lose the half a stone.
  • Hi there. I've only just started (three weeks ago) and can usually lose weight quite easily when I put my mind to it. I don't understand why it hasn't worked and the only different thing was the protein shakes. I have had a week now of not dieting and will crack on again this week. However, I was very fed up as I worked…
  • What is TDEE?
  • Hi there. I can't shift my weight either. I've got half a stone to lose and it won't budge. I did two weeks of just vegetables and fruit and the occasional rice cake. Water, fruit tea and no alcohol. I exercised every day and didn't lose a pound. To say I was disheartened is an understatment. I was using protein shakes and…