blackgem98 Member


  • Hey there Lady! I work out at MAFB as well. We are there at 0500 each morning, 0800 on Saturday, doing Body Beast. I also teach some of the classes on base. Give me a shout if you are up there. :smile:
  • Hi Beautiful, it sounds like you are doing a lot, but other than the yoga you don't say how often you are doing each activity. You also don't say how long you've been exercising, nor how much weight you've lost since you started. You need to share that, so that we can see if your expectations are realistic.
  • I workout on McConnell AFB. Their gym is wonderful and its free. We are using the Martial Arts room right now doing P90X.
  • Hey there. I am one of those insensitive smaller than B instructors that often forget the woes of my more endowed partners in fitness. :-) I apologize to you and all of them, we just don't think when we have you bouncing all around. :-) I'm joking, of course. You have done the thing that I have suggested to Ladies, an…
  • Consistency is key! Just keep going. Remember, some women hold onto water once a month. Make sure you don't let that small weight fluctuation affect your workouts and eating habits. It IS working. When you gain, thats when you have to buckle down and keep ploughing forward. As mentioned before, weigh at the same time each…