

  • I think for every 5lbs I would 1. Carry a bag of 5lb potatoes or flour to show how much I was carrying around on my body. 2. Just enjoy my weightloss!
  • We're glad to have you here welcome!
    in Diet Comment by Daysha2013 January 2013
  • One friendly reminder do not deprive yourself of certain things, but do not over induldge. If you normally would have 2 slices of pizza and 2 sodas, have one slice of pizza and 16oz of water with either crystal lite flavors or fresh lemons or limes in the water for added flavor and taste! :)
    in Diet Comment by Daysha2013 January 2013
  • I plan to reduce my soda,sugars and increase veggies,fruits and proteins, while excersing daily at least Mon-Sat for 4hrs daily, (2hrs in the am, and 2hrs in the pm).
    in Diet Comment by Daysha2013 December 2012