

  • yay! im in!!! CW: 178 Calories: 1100-1200 GW: 160 if i can lose 9 pounds a month, i will be sooooo happy!!! willing to put in the hard work! i have 2 cruises coming up & i want to look gooodd!!! ADD ME for encouragment & support! i love having other peoples support & advice!
  • i totally agree & feel the same way! when i DONT track & get off of my lifestyle i am sluggish, unhappy, &feel like crap! but when i track i am happy, confident, &feel great about myself! thanks for the little boost of motivation & reminders!!
  • awesome job! you are looking FABULOUS!
  • im 5'7 & when i was an 18/20 i was 239.6 pounds. (my heaviest). i now weigh 180 &am a 12<3 good luck!
  • you MUST look up!!!!!! her name is Taralynn Mcnitt & she is a TOTAL insperation for me! following her blog has helped me lose 60 pounds the healthy way in under 9 months! she is incredible & has TONS of recipes & health tips!
  • is it bad that i find it hard to eat over 1000 calories? i usually eat between 900-1100 calories. i eat healthy foods that are low in calorie for more food. i will be full at the end of my day, and be under 1000....i dont deprive myself, so i sometimes dont see why i have to eat 1200+...someone help?
  • on the inside of my closet door are pictures from magazines, my before pictures, motivating quotes, and things like that all taped to it. i look at it every morning to inpire me for the day, and look at it before bed every night to remind me what im doing this for! hope i could help!