kendobc Member


  • Good choice. Mehdi from Stronglifts just posted his Workout B video on Youtube. He also has one for Workout A. Check them out for how a workout should flow. Also look at Starting Strength for some good technical tips on the lifts included in the Stronglifts program (squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press). For the…
  • Damn girl! 90kg? You rock!
  • Good stuff. Especially #5, carbs doesnt mean tons of pasta and rice. Clean it up! A little is fine but if you are eating 300-400g of rice a sitting that is A LOT!! For #6, I find the monotonous route is good for my strength training because of the extra plates I add and the challenge but for the cardio that is a problem…
  • Strength Training: Stronglifts 5x5 or Starting Strength, search the net for info. Cardio: Whatever gets you moving whether in the gym or outside. Do it after the strength training if you are doing it in the same session. Good luck! I need a jumpstart for my whole life (almost 40) and I FINALLY jumpstarted myself with some…
  • One of the reasons you want to do strength training first, before cardio, is that you don't want to fatigue your muscles before you get under that heavy bar. You want to be warmed up but not tired for your lifts. Much safer. Of course, it all depends on the weight you are lifting. If you are lifting well below what you can…
  • Ditto on this. Need to eat more for sure if you are weight training. Don't worry about losing that "belly pouch". Just get some good lean muscle on there and it should take care of itself. You should eat over your BMR+Activity Level calorie level when you weight train since it sounds like you don't have a lot of weight to…
  • Sweet talking works wonders. (= Great that you tried non smith squats! Don't go back. You mentioned you do 4 sets, how many reps do you do per set? Do you change your weight for every set or do you lift the same weight for all sets? I personally had to reset my squats. My belly (still fat but working on it) and very bad…
  • Ask the gym workers how heavy the bar is. If it is an olympic bar it will be 20kg. Chances are it is probably pretty close. As was already said, take it slow to begin. Especially if you are self-learning. Learn the form and you won't go wrong. Mehdi from Stronglifts has put up two videos that show him going through both…
  • Just think of it is an extra bonus to help create a caloric deficit. (= Don't count it, just enjoy it.
  • Hey there, for a couple good reads I would recommend two things. Do google searchs for Starting Strength and Stronglifts. They are both really good free weight programs for newbies (I was, until recently, a newbie too) that use barbells. I won't put too much in this post but they are great starting points for beginners.…
  • Definitely lift! If you want some information on how to lift safely and what to lift look at programs like Stronglifts and Starting Strength. Starting Strength has great information on the technical side of it. How to lift safely and the like. I personally used the technical information from Starting Strength and use it…