

  • My kids are quite young, so they aren't in school yet. But I try to find inexpensive things to do that get us out of the house that don't end up in stores. I also schedule everything, and make lists for everything, and really try to stick to it. I find if I schedule things, I'm more likely to stick to them, instead of…
  • Tried the shake, but have never done the 90 day challenge. Shake has a kind of an artificial taste compared to the one I'm used to. I prefer one with more natural ingredients.
  • I've never done a cleanse before, but I think the best way to detox your body is to eat as many fresh raw fruits and veggies and you possibly can (organic is best). Raw produce is high in antioxidants which nutralize free radicals in your system. I'm a science girl, so I need a science explanation. Sorry to not really…
  • I make healthy snacks for my kids so that I'm not tempted to dig into crackers and cheese, and it means that they are getting more nutrition into their bodies as well. Our morning snack is always a pile of raw veggies (what ever we have in the house) with hummus. And usually almonds - but the tricky part is limiting to 10…
  • I feel your pain! I have two kids (aged 2 and 4) and have had a heck of a time getting back to where I used to be. I'm close to my pre-pregnancy weight, but have aquired flab in areas that never existed before. I have found that registering for fitness classes keeps me accountable and actually working out. And I really…
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