

  • I like to roast baby beets, then while still warm, peel them & toss with some baby spinach leaves, a little low fat fetta, and some horseradish. Horseradish & beetroot make an awesome combo!
  • Hi Dawn, when I'm feeling stressed, I go for a run or a walk instead of eating! It really blows away the cobwebs, clears the mind, and takes me away from my refrigerator. I find by the time I get back I'm so impressed with myself I don't feel like pigging out anymore, but favour a healthy snack instead to compliment my…
  • Runkeeper is definitely a great app (even the free one is ok), and the paid version even better
  • it is sometimes hard to reach the calorie limit, especially adding extra in when you've exercised. But as everyone else has stated, it is important to try! Tip: adding breakfast will help! Will add to your calories, AND kick-start your metabolism for the day! I'm not sure if a fat-free cofffee counts... :) I find some bran…
  • Hi! I'm from Australia too! I used this site a bit last year and found it really good, but about 4 months ago I stopped using the site, and then there was Christmas... weight started to creep on..... Anyway back on track now and just started my healthy eating plan again yesterday! The things I find hardest to give up are…