Do you eat all the 1220 Cal/day??

I am new here and this question is in my mind... I don't believe I would reduce my fat eating do much. I am eating half of it a day and I am not feeling hungry at all....
I am eating well having 5 meals/day.
What are you doing?


  • casseh
    casseh Posts: 58
    Keep in mind that if you eat too few calories a dayour body will go into starvation mode making it much harder to lose weight. Try snacking on a small handfuls of nuts, adding 1/8 an advocado to sandwiches or salads, low fat milk etc... things that are to to be considered 'good fat' that will help you meet your calorie goal for the day.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    You want to make sure that your eating at least 1200 calories a day, your body needs this to provide the energy to function on a daily baisis. If you can't reach 1220, at least reach for 1200 without exercise. Any exercise you do, should be added back into your calories and be eaten.
  • mayana2002
    I know... But is it necessary to eat all the 1200 calories?
    Thanks fot the tips! I will get some nuts at the store today!
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    When you eat too few calories it SERIOUSLY messes with your body's metabolism. I'd recommend staying at your recommended calories. When you eat at that level, you "fly under the radar" and lose weight gradually without your body going into starvation mode.

    Really, eat all your calories!!!
  • abbigrant
    Im the same, I'm 193 cals under my 1200 target but Im not hungry! Ive had plenty of good food though and lots of water, so I dont feel like I need to eat more....
  • mayana2002
    WOW! I didn't know we needed to add cal if we exercise! Good to know! That would be a lot of food then!
    I think I used to eat a looot of small bad food during the day and now I find the healtier ones greater in quantity...
    Eat smart=eat more
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I know... But is it necessary to eat all the 1200 calories?
    Thanks fot the tips! I will get some nuts at the store today!

    Yes. If you consume fewer than 1200 calories per day you risk slowing your metabolism and causing your body to store fat instead of burning it.
  • mayana2002
    This is what I am eating/day
    Morning-Cup of coffee+fat free milk
    Lunch- Tuna or turkey breast sand
    snack- apple or whole grain cherios
    dinner-grilled chicken breast+salad or a big bowl (2 cups) of soup.
    That counts 500-600 cal...
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    You need to add a breakfast in at the least. Even a protein shake of some sort.
  • galvestongal
    galvestongal Posts: 186 Member
    This is what I am eating/day
    Morning-Cup of coffee+fat free milk
    Lunch- Tuna or turkey breast sand
    snack- apple or whole grain cherios
    dinner-grilled chicken breast+salad or a big bowl (2 cups) of soup.
    That counts 500-600 cal...

    You should always eat breakfast. This is your body's fuel for the day and gets your metabolism fired up. Not eating a good breakfast can cause your metabolism to slow and send your body into a starvation mode because there are too many hours between your meals. Breakfast is a dieters best friend.
  • leaseylou
    it is sometimes hard to reach the calorie limit, especially adding extra in when you've exercised. But as everyone else has stated, it is important to try!

    Tip: adding breakfast will help! Will add to your calories, AND kick-start your metabolism for the day! I'm not sure if a fat-free cofffee counts... :) I find some bran cereal with a bit of fat-free yoghurt keeps me full, and contains plenty of fibre so is good for the digestion.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    It depends. You aren't supposed to eat less than 1200 calories a day if you aren't under a doctor's supervision. That's because it's hard to get in all your basic nutrition if you eat less.

    Then again, I don't believe in one number for all people. If you are taller or more active, you probably need more and if you are old and short (like I am) your bottom number could be less. Plus, some people eat so much processed foods that, even at 2000 calories a day, they don't get all their nutrients.

    As for starvation mode, most people don't understand it. I've read some studies on starvation and in every one of them the subjects continued to lose weight. Eating a starvation diet (defined as 50% of burned calories or less) did not stop the weight loss. However, what happens is that there is a point of diminishing returns. Weight Watchers has an article on their site in their Science Center section that talks about this:

    In that article they explain that:

    500 calorie deficient = 1 pound a week loss
    1000 calorie deficient = 2 pound a week loss
    1500 calorie deficient = 2.25 - 2.5 pound a week loss

    So the higher your deficit, the less "bang" you get for it. Personally, losing an extra .25-.5 lb a week just isn't worth it to most people if it takes a 1500 calorie deficient. They'd rather stick to a 1000 calorie deficit and "only" lose 2 pounds a week.

    But you have to do what works for you. When I was in weight loss mode, I was on a program and I just used MFP to log my food. I didn't even log my exercise as my program didn't do exercise calories.

    I also didn't eat a minimum of 1200 calories a day. And I lost over 100 pounds and my metabolism is better than when I started. BUT I was under a doctor's supervision and had regular testing and lab work done and was (and still am) taking a bunch of supplement. I wouldn't recommend that someone just do that without being in a program. It's too risky.
  • mayana2002
    I forgot to input I eat 1 whole grain toast with my coffee. I don't really feel hungry in the morning but I always eat something. I do feel hungry at night. Sometimes I just go to bed earlier than usual when I am very hungry.
  • mayana2002
    Thank you everybody! You have no idea how all you said is helping me out! Thanks:heart:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    This is what I am eating/day
    Morning-Cup of coffee+fat free milk
    Lunch- Tuna or turkey breast sand
    snack- apple or whole grain cherios
    dinner-grilled chicken breast+salad or a big bowl (2 cups) of soup.
    That counts 500-600 cal...

    No veggies??? REALLY? You need to add some vegetables in asap

  • mayana2002
    Soup is vegetable only!
  • Knbrooks42
    Knbrooks42 Posts: 63 Member
    You should definitely eat the 1200 at least. However, I'll tell you about what I've recently found out.

    I was eating about 1200 plus exercise calories, and was still losing weight of course. Just recently my boyfriend was doing research and decided to up the calories to 1550 which is around my BMR something or another lol (if you have questions, I can ask him to explain it more). Well that was a few days ago and already the weight started dropping off even more quickly without me even doing that much exercise.

    This caloric intake was closer to where I needed to be to lose more weight cause it sped back up my metabolism.
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    You definitely need to eat more. Or, if you don't feel like eating, it's ok to drink some calories. Milk is a great way to get some good healthy calories in, not to mention some extra calcium. Add some protein powder for even more calories and good nutrients. Peanut butter is also an easy way to get in extra calories and some good for you fats and protein.

    But seriously. You need more food, girl! You'll lose weight fast at first, then your body will get used to it, slow its metabolism waaaaay down, and then you're in trouble.
  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    I forgot to input I eat 1 whole grain toast with my coffee. I don't really feel hungry in the morning but I always eat something. I do feel hungry at night. Sometimes I just go to bed earlier than usual when I am very hungry.

    I never wanted breakfast either, until I started making myself eat it. Now it's probably my favorite thing I eat all day. My go-to breakfast right now is 6 oz vanilla yogurt mixed with 1 cup of berries (blueberries are my favorite, I buy them frozen) and a hard-boiled egg. You don't want to make the mistake of going all carbs at breakfast. I did that and couldn't figure out why I was soooo hungry an hour later. You need a good balance of carb and protein. Carbs give you quick energy, and protein fills you up and gives you long term energy.
    Yay for breakfast!
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    This is what I am eating/day
    Morning-Cup of coffee+fat free milk
    Lunch- Tuna or turkey breast sand
    snack- apple or whole grain cherios
    dinner-grilled chicken breast+salad or a big bowl (2 cups) of soup.
    That counts 500-600 cal...

    I was eating around 800-900 calories for 8 weeks over the summer. I lost 20 lbs. Everyone's body is different, and I don't recommend not eating all your calories, but if it works for you, it works for you. I was on a low carb, high veggie, seafood/high protein diet. I was eating PLENTY and never hungry, but not eating that many calories because I was eating VERY low calorie foods.

    Breakfast: apple with 1/2 serving of peanut butter (maybe some celery and carrots some days)
    Lunch: Healthy Choice meal or a salad
    Snack: Celery with the other 1/2 serving of peanut butter as well as carrots (and I mean...I was eating like a bag of carrots...I was eating a lot, but not taking in calories)
    Dinner: TONS of veggies with shrimp or fish...sometimes chicken

    The weight MELTED off....