

  • Good job. From what I have read, establishing a goal on calories and doing moderate exercise is the best way to lose weight. So what if you are suddenly losing more weight than you should. My calorie goal is to lose 1 lb/week, but for the past three weeks i have lost 9 pounds.
  • Three Reasons: 1. It puts the blame for being overweight not on themselves, but on not having previous access to some special secret. 2. People are hard wired to prioritize short term happiness over long term happiness. In the long term eating well and taking care of themselves leads to greater happiness, but requires…
  • It really depends on the formula. See http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/harris-benedict-equation/ for details. Basically the BMR or Basal Metabolic Rate is the minimal amount of calories for your weight, height and age to lose no weight AND do absolutely nothing in a day, i.e. laid in bed and slept. The BMR is…
  • Well, I guess I am doing things right. I have never taken my health or weight seriously before, so this is all new to me. Thanks everyone.
  • I was not tracking it, but it was mostly candy, cookies, pastries, and large poritions of just about everything else. I still eat quite a bit of what I use to (minus the candy and pastries), but mostly try to keep my portions in check with the serving sizes, so that I dont have to drastically change my next meal to hit my…
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