

  • Yea!!!!, Now that you have admitted it, I am going to join in and say yes my rolls are shrinking also. It sounds funny, but it is so rewarding to catch a glimpse in the mirror and say WOW! is that my back looking better. Keep up the good work. I am right there with you.
  • I have looked for the Nike Musique all over and have not been able to find them. Did you have to order them on line?
  • I am new to fitness Pal and to this forum. I was excited to find a thread for Zumba. I love Zumba. I am trying to attend three days a week at 24 hour fitness. The instructors are amazing. It is a sweat fest. I am presently looking for Nike Shox dance sneakers. They are suppose to be great for Zumba. Has anyone tried them…