duribe56 Member


  • HI, Dan from AZ here. I found out what my BMR was (Basal Metobolic Rate) The rate at which your body burns calories, excluding exercise and breathing. Once I found that number I subtracted 500 calories and sticking to it.....any calories I burn working out are a bonus but I dont eat them, they go towards the weight lose…
  • Best of luck to you! stay focused and you can do it..... Dan
  • Welcome, Like the others have written, track everything, water too. I also got some advice from my doctor to find out what my BMR is, then she suggested subtracting 500 calories from that, YOU WILL see results just stay with it and stay positive,,,,, Best of luck Dan
  • Hi, My doctor told me to find out my BMR, I am sure you know what that is. Once I had that she recommended I deduct 500 calories to create my deficit. My body is hanging on but I am not discouraged at all, feels good to hit the gym. Good luck to you
  • hi, I am Dan from Arizona, to me you just need to start feeling comfortable with you. You took a big step here and will find alot of support. Then, I don't know any man that doesn't find confidence sexy! Best of luck and stay in touch
  • I think you need to find out what your BMR is and then minus the 500 calories , basal metabolic rate, the amount of calories your body burns , make an appt with your doctor, he or she can help
  • sure, what do I need to do.....