

  • Good luck! We're all here for you and know what you are going through so you definitely aren't alone!
  • Great tips everyone. And for those of you who are concerned :tongue: I'm eating plenty. The only reason I have that little for breakfast is that I'm not much of a breakfast person anyway. But then for lunch I'll have grilled chicken and a spinach salad (my favorite!) and a glass of milk (If I'm too low on the calories).…
  • SJGBassett, It does sound like we are about the same! Thanks for the great advice and input. I feel better already! Everyone! You are wonderful! I really appreciate all the great advice and the help! It means a lot to me. :bigsmile:
  • I just wanted to write everyone to see what you all think. I'm 23. I'm 5'8, a size 10, and weight 189 lbs. When I first started dieting about a month ago, I weighed 196. I should be happy, right? I am proud of my 7 lbs lost, don't get me wrong, but I've lately been having this problem: I got engaged exactly 2 months ago. I…