

  • I would LOVE to do this!!!!!! The only thing is I have a HARD time getting up early enough to do it during the week before work and in the evenings is just not possible.
  • I am on day 10 (minus a couple of cheating days) - so far it has gone okay. I am in the "burn" phase... hoping to see some results!
  • Hi there - I may be a little late in this- With the fiber can mix it with 100% apple juice (NOT from concentrate)... I found Purely Apple works great. I mix the fiber drink with that - put two straws in it and CHUG!!!! LOL...that was the only way I could get it down. GOOD LUCK!
  • I am currently in day 10 of the 24 day challenge by Advocare. The idea behind this program is to retrain your body to eat clean. however, I must be honest and say once this is over I do not see myself really sticking too it..There are WAY too many things that are "processed" and not part of this diet. I think that being…
  • Age: 32 CW: 169 GW: 135-140 Feel free to add me - I need all the support I can get!
  • First of all, you look AMAZING!! CONGRATS!!... I was wondering what pointers you could give to someone who is just starting out on their journey? I am 5'1" and weigh 170. I want to get down to this time next year...any advice would be greatly appreciated! Great job!
  • @ yarmiah I opened up my profile - hopefully you can see it now :) I would appreciate any advice you can give me... I will say - although I have not been very good at recording my eating habits (I am working on improving that)...I have made a concerted effort to not snack during the day and I have drastically increased my…