andersonchristineg Member


  • I'm only running about 3.5 miles right now, and the upset mostly happens with running since that's my choice exercise. I took a couple months off for a surgery and when I came back to running it was like starting from square one again. My goal is to run a marathon.... someday. How long did you train for your first? How…
  • No I don't use a heart rate monitor. When I check my hr after running its usually about 85-90% of my max. My resting hr gets lower the more I run, but it always gets way up there during exercise. What would you suggest for time intervals? I'm always afraid to slow my pace because I don't know if I'll pick it up again haha.
  • There's no way for me to be P.C. about this so here it is blunt and straight forward: After some intense cardio exercise my guts start churning. The kind of churning where you look like a deer in the headlights and bolt for the nearest bathroom, bush, what-have-you. Any one have any idea why? Its insanely uncomfortable and…
  • Does anyone have recommendations for meal replacements? (like slimfast etc) I'm looking for something with all the nutrients I need, that tastes good, and is easy access. My weekends are still giving me trouble so I am considering "no-brainer" foods to get me thru friday night, sat and sunday without over eating. I was…
  • I was able to finish 3.1 miles without stopping in about 3 weeks. That was 6 times a week. The first week was horrible. That metallic taste in your mouth and the roughness in your throat. But your body gets used to it pretty quick. I'd give yourself about a month if you're starting from square one like I did. I wouldn't…
  • I have a few tips! When I started running (well when I started it was wogging) I couldn't make it 1/4 mile before stopping to walk. So I picked a goal. Mine was a 5k for cancer research, that means I had a set date to be able to run 3.1 miles and not embarrass myself. I found a 3 mile route and ran it every day except…
  • NASCAR! I didn't get to see the race but I read up on the highlights afterward. Not a good start for all the leaders! Edwards is my driver :) He went and got a different sponsor so now all my Office Depot bright red gear is outdated :( Oh well, I'll just have to buy more. Who are you routing for?
  • *sigh* No loss for me this week. I saw it coming though. Stressful week at work and that triggers me to dive into sugar. I think I ate 7 cookies yesterday, not just oreos, those super soft frosted ones at the bakery. Digging my hole deeper. Solution: I am going to sign up for a Beat Cancer Boot Camp 5k fundraiser that is…
  • Friday Weigh-In Start Weight (1/28/09): 146 pounds Today 2/6/09: 136.6 9.4 freaking pounds down in 1.5 weeks? Hell yeah. Course I think I was retaining some major water weight from bad food and a visit from Aunt Flo when I weighed last. That's almost half my goal! But I know it will be slower here on out.
  • If I were you, I would cut out the gym cost ($60 a month is insane, I pay $20) and I would cut the cable too. Before you think I am crazy.... haha, get Netflix (not advertising I swear!) but its a better deal and its unlimited every month :) That way you save more, have access to all kinds of entertainment, and can use the…
  • Thanks for all the info! In reality its easier to just run it all at once, but some days it seems easier to do shorter runs.
  • I'm rejuvinated! I sat myself down and had a long thinking session about why I keep "failing" myself. Long story short, I keep making excuses for myself. I'm a tough-love-kinda-success-story. I basically have to kick myself to stay on track. I tell myself "its ok" once and its all out the window. So, I know a lot of people…
  • So say I want to run 3 miles a day. Is it better to run it all at once or would I get the same benefit if I ran 1.5 miles in the morning and 1.5 miles in the afternoon?
  • Ok, so I have established that I have an emotional eating problem. When I get bored mostly. I don't really know what happens. It's like my motivation shuts down and I don't even think about what I am eating. It doesn't even register that I am going to regret this, its not worth it, dont do it! I just eat. And then I feel…
  • Well, I was 139.4 this morning, which is exactly what I weighed three weeks ago. Granted I screwed up royally both weekends in between, but still. It's unmotivating. So I am calling today day 1 and seeing what I can accomplish when I successfully make it through this weekend without caving to the desire to eat everything…
  • works for me
  • I'm in the same boat of having reached my goal and gained some back! Darn holidays. I lost 80lbs the first time and am having a heck of time getting back into it. It's like I tasted the past for 2 months and don't want to let go! Thanks for the vote as team leader, although I don't know if we need one. It's a group thing.…
  • I want in too. Accountability is the only thing that works for me. So what are the details? Weigh-in's? What Day? I vote fridays. Competitions? (I know that competitions work best when there is incentive... maybe our team name could be the incentive? This week its "the founders name"'s Team, and who ever loses the most or…