darkorical Member


  • upon further thought I realized the solution may be much simpler Next time they wave food in your face Sneeze
  • my advice just smile and bear it. Then when you reach your goal continually pester them with comments like mmm skinny don't you wish you looked as good.
  • there seems to be quite alot of good advice here so by all means continue to read but you may wish to start your own thread to get responses that may be more specifically towards your exact situation.
  • Not currently mostly I measure by cups and convert to weight based on package labeling. I feel no different what-so-ever as I mentioned before I never really feel hungry or full so that is not an issue. and I have not noticed any change in energy levels or need for sleep. Ive been doing this for not quite 2 weeks now and…
  • Ironically I drank the energy drinks before because I like them... and I have never drank them for energy boost. so it just turned out a happy coincidence that they became something I did not have to remove from my diet.
  • ok I would like to point out that I didn't actually eat Hardee's for breakfast. I set that up as an exaggerated example of what I might eat. I am in fact still using the slim fast diet. When I started it my plan was to something akin to as follows 1 Slim Fasts for breakfast and 1 for lunch with a healthy snack like fruit…
  • No offense taken and I did not find it rude. I think part of my problem is I almost never actually feel hungry and even less often do I actually feel full. because of that this is what I ate before. when I decided to loose the weight eating like that went straight out. So now Im looking for things to add back into my diet…
  • not at all sure this would even be a good idea but you could drink a gallon of water right before going in that way you have no room left for more.
  • I have heard tales of "negative calorie food". its not that the food has less calories in it than it takes to digest the same food. Alas I do not know any proven examples of these foods. there is a Wiki page dedicated to the topic and basically it says nope https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_calorie_food