ajmiller1987 Member


  • There aren't any cure-all effects like eating Spice X will somehow make you less hungry and you'll lose weight. However, for both myself and others, it seems like if your (healthy) food actually tastes good (ie. from using spices and herbs), then you're more inclined to continue to eat in that fashion than to say screw it…
  • Aside from some sort of other distraction or keeping yourself busy, I find the easiest way is to just not buy snack foods/prepared stuff. It kind of works out anyway as I mostly purchase vegetables, minimal dried goods (pasta/rice/beans), and some fish/eggs/meat at the store, so pretty much anything I eat has to be cooked…
  • Another bean recipe: use either a blend as mentioned above or mix a few different types yourself with some other vegetables like cucumbers, carrots, bell pepper, onion, and tomato...maybe some herbs like cilantro, then as a dressing use just a quick vinaigrette of citrus juice and olive oil.
  • Since you still want to lose more weight, I would not worry too much about getting stronger right now but try to maintain as much strength and muscle mass as you can. When you get to/closer to your goal weight, then consider how you are going to put on muscle and increase strength. As I said, you will probably need to eat…
  • That's how you get stronger. You don't move up to squatting 200 lbs. by just squatting 100 lbs 10 times for 3 sets over and over again. Also, if you're trying to build muscle, you probably need to eat more. Gaining strength while losing weight is a losing battle, with certain exceptions where you start too light and are…
  • I understand that there's more than one way to skin a cat; it's certainly possible to lose weight eating any variety of foods. My point wasn't saying that people who have lost a lot of weight don't have valid opinions, obviously they have done something right along the way to lose 20, 40, 50, etc. lbs. My issue with your…
  • Using weight lost isn't necessarily a valid comparison. It's very possible (maybe even probable) that people who are averse to eating fast food don't have much (if any) weight to lose. I eat fast food a few times a month, but at the same time, I would not advocate that anyone eat it--particularly if you're trying to lose…
  • The experiment is flawed because of the methodology, but he was not necessarily eating all of the calories. If you drink a 42 oz Coke (like he did on the occasions when he had to Super Size), that's damn near 700 calories itself. I don't think anyone is arguing that eating 1000 calories in a sitting from Jack In the Box…
  • The reason he gained so much weight was he was (reportedly) consuming approximately 5000 calories/day and basically living a sedentary lifestyle.
  • It's important to pay attention to both. I don't see much value in stressing over consuming a surplus of calories one or two particular day(s) out of the week. Unless you are extremely obese, you will not really have much observable or theoretical weight loss in a single day anyway. Those 500 deficit calories in one day…
  • Tell them you have a health problem that means you have to eat healthy foods. When they ask what it is that's wrong with you, tell them it's called not being a fat *kitten*.
  • Perhaps I'm being presumptuous, but how much school work do you have that sparing an hour-90 minutes, maybe two hours at the most, is too much?
  • No, it doesn't. Muscle is DENSER than fat. A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of lead.
  • http://www.leangains.com/2011/09/****arounditis.html One of my favorite posts about working out, even if it is a year and a half old. Edit: well, looks like the forum censors out certain words...I'm guessing you can figure out what the four letter word that belongs where the asterisks are.
  • I used to see things this way as well, but I've realized that it's not necessarily the case. Crappy food can be cheaper than healthy, fresh foods, but you really have to miss the forest for the trees. A few pounds of chicken or fish might be $20. So, yes, you're spending $20 now instead of $6, but a pound of meat should…
  • Not sure if anyone is still really using this group... I currently live in Garden Grove right off of the 405/22 interchange. I typically workout at the 24 Hour Fitness in Cypress (on Katella), but sometimes in Orange if I go with a friend that lives out there. I should really do more cardio, but I mostly tend to lift when…
  • I started using Fitocracy a few weeks ago. It will keep track of the different exercises you do, the weight, reps, sets, etc. and already has pretty much any lift you would be doing in their database. The ability to track cardiovascular/non weight-lifting exercises is available, too. It also has sort of a video game aspect…