

  • I saw Sunshine_88s weight lifting pictures... they looked very nice. I wish I was like that and not skinny fat. Many people showing great progress in this post. Thank you for the daily motivation everyone
  • Thank you sunshine_88...you are great
  • Thank you for the list of vegetables. I have not heard of some of those! Next time I am at the supermarket I will pick something new to try. Maybe I should make that a weekly goal? Try a new vegetable? Which ones do you guys particularly enjoy? That way I know what I am looking for :smile:
  • Rubybelle I appreciated your response, just wanted to make sure it did not seem like I was trying too argue was all :smile: I see what you are saying there. I am nearly twenty three and still have some of that little child mentality I think. Maybe capriciousmoo you are right. Maybe it is just how they are prepared. I…
  • I will try it.Thank you for the responses. I don't understand why we are not supposed to have cow's milk though?
  • I am quite new here, and very unsure of my goals. I do not want to be very thin! I am skinny and flabby at the same time. Such an awful mix to be. I love looking at the success stories and seeing all the fit women here :smile:
  • Very helpful, thank you.
  • Why is it childish? I cannot stand squash of any sort, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, onions. Basically all of the common ones. If there is a little spinach cooked into my food and I cannot taste it I do not mind. But why is it childish if I do not like the taste of them? I am sorry I am a little puzzled, not meaning to…
  • I thought sugar did not make a difference as long as I count calories? Better then eating a loaf of bread in my eyes at least. I have not tried to trick myself. I may have to try that. I just figured I was getting what I needed out of my vitamin. Thank you for the suggestion
  • Thank you for the replies
  • That is what I read from many of the topics that I searched, but there is a lot of conflicting information so I am trying to sort through it all. I have read a few posts that state with adequate protein intake and resistance training lean body mass will be spared, is that true? I am usually only burning 300 calories tops…