dee_sea_tea Member


  • Every persons body reacts differently to hormones but I have been on various types of BC over the last 12 years and have never gained weight from any of them.
  • I have tried it and I am always hungry and cranky and don't lose weight on it. Plus you're just feeding your body liquid chemicals and sugary snack bars then one balanced meal, it sounds great in theory but broken down I feel like eating real food gets much better results. If I need a shake I make one with fat free milk,…
  • I love PF, it's great if you're self motivated or have a workout buddy. The one where I live has no pool, sauna or classes though so it all just depends on what you're looking for. It's still $10 a month or $20 to add unlimited tanning and a few other perks.
  • I cook zucchini and mushrooms in a skillet with a teensy bit of olive oil then top with a tbsp of feta cheese and serve with grilled chicken and whole grain pasta, it's delicious and easy
  • You DO NOT need a HRM to do the program. My husband and I did it last year and as long as you eat sensibly (we followed their meal plan) and do the workouts (6-7 days a week 1-2 hours a day) you will see great results.
  • do you have a phone that uses apps? if so there is an app called the snack app from everyday health, it's great for ideas you can base your snack on the amount of calories, if you want salty, sweet, or whetever!
  • I don't like it either bc no matter how many lbs I say I want to lose or how often I want to work out it ALWAYS gives me a 1200 calorie goal. So bc I choose to not eat the extra calories I "earned" every day through exercise I wait until I've completed all my food logging to add in my workout.
  • A lot of "light" yogurts are loaded with sugar to compensate for the removed fat, you're better off to go with greek yogurt, also maybe skip the special k and focus on a more complete cereal like bran flakes, read the labels as you shop, you'd be surprised how many items have hidden sugar in them.
  • That statement REALLY only applies to people who drink a ton of soda to start with, I drink less than one cup of it a week so cutting it out doesn't make a dramatic difference in my calorie consumption, however you should limit your intake of calorie laden beverages as an easy change if you currently ingest a lot of them.…
  • I don't really agree that cutting carbs drastically is great, sure you can lose a lot of weight but everyone's body is different. For example when I reduce carbs I get very sick, my body needs them. You should be more concerned about making sure you're getting a balanced diet. Get your complex carbohydrates in from whole…
  • I haven't tried any of the WII fit games, but I do play the sports resort, and my favorite is Just Dance, it's fun plus you move a LOT
  • Kickboxing, burns a ton of calories AND aggression