nncantrell Member


  • Ahhhh! I can't believe I forgot to mention the re-introduction period! It is very interesting to see how your body reacts to dairy and gluten. I found out dairy causes my skin to break out. Gluten causes me to bloat. Do be aware of the hangover you will get after introducing these things back in...slow is best.
  • I did the Whole30 in May...I struggled the first week or so with the "hangover"...so that part wasn't fun, but other than that I really enjoyed it and learned a whole lot. I didn't weigh at the beginning but I knew about where I was and lost 15-20lbs in the 30 day span. Other than weight loss I noticed my skin glowed, hair…
  • Check out the book "It Starts With Food" by Dallas & Melissa Hartwig. It is a fast read and very, very interesting. I'm on day 25 of the Whole30 program and I can't even begin to list all of the great things clean, healthy eating is doing for me. If you aren't into getting the book you can look around their website, which…
  • I totally agree with the find a fun race comment...fun races (or at least great cheering locals) make all the difference! Good luck! :)